2.8 Million Worker Received Fourth Phase Sallary Subsidy

Manpower Ministre

Jakarta – Sallary subsidy distribution from government is running smoothly. 18th September data shows realization of subsidi distribution for first phase have reached to 2.484.429 people or 99.38% from total receiver in first phase about 2.5 million receiver

According to manpower ministry, Ida Fauziah, second phase distribution reached to 2.980.346 people or 99.34% from total receiver in second phase with 3 million people. Meanwhile third phase reachedto 3.069.442 people or 87.70% from total 3.5 milion receiver

“Alhamdulillah (God Willing) salary subsidy distribution for workers have been running smoothly from first phase to third phase and number distribution reached to 8.534.217 people or about 94.82% from total number 9 million receiver” Ministry of Manpower said through written explanation, Jakarta, Tuesday (22/9)

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Ida said that she have received 2.8 million candate of sallary receiver for fourth phase from Employment of Health Insurance Implementing Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan). BPJS Ketenagakerjaan’s data will be check list to seet the completeness of document in accordance with Ministry Regulation number 14/2020

“For fourth phase distribution, we will speed up check-list process that need 4 working days maximum. If data gave to us in wednesday we will finish check-list process in Tuesday” Ida said.

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After check-list process, data will give to State Treasure Office (KPPN/Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara) and KPPN will distribute sallary subsidy fourth phase through Banks which member of Association of State-Owned Bank (Himbara/Himpunan Bank Milik Negara) and Himbara wil transfer to receiver directly

Inspite of running smoothly, Ida remind to worker in the list of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and receiver subsidy category to more careful whin giving account number to employer. This is to avoid transfer fail because account closed, passif or invalid.

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“I encourage worker or labour who will receive sallary subsidy te re check account number. We need active account and distribution will running smoothly. I also beg to employer to communicate with employe actively” Ida appeal

Ida hope that sallary subsidy will lighten the burden and elevate economic capability of worker in pandemic time at once.

“Sallary subsidy assistance is directed to maintain and elevate purchasing power of labour and worker and raise up household consumption and implicate multiplier effet to economic growth and people welfare” Ida said