2023 Indonesian Creation Appreciation (AKI) Held Again

December 22, 2022, Indonesia Yogyakarta, an Asian woman is making pottery. suitable for editorial needs

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) launched the 2023 Indonesian Creation Appreciation (AKI) on February 13, 2023 at Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta.

Indonesian Creation Appreciation is a creative economy development program through capacity enhancement and exhibitions for all creative economy entrepreneurs from the leading sub-sectors: culinary, craft, fashion, application/game, film, and music.

The return of 2023 AKI is a priority program of Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf in an effort to achieve the target of 4.4 million new jobs in 2024. Besides, the presence of 2023 AKI is also an effort to revive the economy or creative economy entrepreneurs.

The 2023 AKI will be held in 16 cities/regencies in Indonesia: Jakarta, Karawang, Sukabumi, Situbondo, Mojokerto, Kudus, Purwokerto, Batam, Bengkulu, Bangka, Samarinda, Palangka Raya, Kupang, Manado, Gorontalo, dan Jayapura.

Benefits of The 2023 AKI

Unlike the previous two years, the 2023 AKI has a much larger target of participants. As 2021 AKI had 4,251 registrants, and 2022 AKI got 6,531 registrants, the 2023 AKI is expected to get 10,000 creative economy entrepreneurs to register.

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The presence of 2023 AKI is not just a program to provide training to improve the quality of creative industry products. There are many benefits of 2023 AKI for creative economy entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

Such benefits are building networks and collaborating with many people, participating in exhibitions and showing off their favored creative economy products. Moreover, especially for participants from film and music sub-sectors, they will have a chance to present their works on the appreciation stage at the exhibition.

Illustration: Creative economy actor making handicraft (Photo: Shutterstock/EDDY H)

Interestingly, the 2023 AKI participants also have an opportunity to take part in a 3-day bootcamp and exhibition. This facility is provided as an effort to increase capacity and quality, so that they become qualified and competitive creative economy entrepreneurs.

These benefits were already experienced directly by creative economy entrepreneurs participating in the 2022 AKI program. For example, one of them is Egg Royale (2022 AKI participant), which managed to experience a 15-20% increase in turnover after last year’s AKI exhibition.

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The same goes for Bitata Food winning an award and becoming the best finalist for the 2022 AKI, and its turnover increased by up to 30% after the exhibition. In addition, Bitata Food is currently in the process of opening an offline store in Aceh.

The 2023 AKI Activities

Registration for the 2023 AKI starts from February 13 to March 17, 2023. The entire registration process is free of charge. However, there are several requirements to consider before applying for the 2023 AKI.

For culinary, craft, fashion, and application/game sub-sector, it is required to have business already running for at least 6 months and to include a business certificate. For music and film sub-sectors, they ought to have and include their latest original works (in the last 2 years). Music sub-sector applicants must include music videos, while film sub-sector applicants must be part of production houses, not individuals.

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Meeting the criteria, they can register via the aki.kemenparekraf.go.id page. Choose one of the six existing sub-sector, and complete the registration form. Later, all applicants will go through a curation process by professional curators to get 20 selected participants.

The selected participants will have a chance to participate in a 2023 AKI online meeting with their mentors-to-be and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Uno.

It is then continued with mentoring and bootcamp classes for the 2023 AKI selected participants. In the main event, the participants have a chance to take part in product exhibitions and work shows at the 2023 AKI week.

Cover: Creative economy actor making pottery (Photo: Shutterstock/Edi Sutriyono)

Anang Fadhilah