Adam Nugraha Wiradhana S.AB HC who is known as a Digital Marketing Expert and a talented young Startup Mentor and Advisor in Banjarmasin. Being asked to be the Chair of the Millennial Cyber Media of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union of South Kalimantan Province (MCM-SMSI Kalsel) is certainly very appropriate and reasonable.
MCM SMSI promotes literacy and HOTS (Higher Order of Thinking Skill) or critical thinking. And also the literacy movement opens up insight for the millennial generation to be literate, so that they are not easily consumed by hoax news. Teaching millennials to have skills in critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving.
MCM SMSI as a professional organization consisting of online media owners in South Kalimantan aims to create a healthy, independent and dignified cyber media industry (online) ecosystem. In harmony with Adam Nugraha’s background who has qualified skills in the IT field.
The first child of Drs H Gerilyansyah Basrindu MM, PhD, the founder of STIA Bina Banua Banjarmasin, has a lot of experience including the founder of, a multi-party cooperative-based company that focuses on helping and becoming a Go Digital MSME solution. With the main service providing a free website and being a liaison for MSMEs with various local, national and international digital and e-commerce platforms.
Adam received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from STIA Bina Banjarmasin, a master’s degree in Sharia Economic Law, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. Has experience and certification of BNSP Digital Marketing, Commissioner of PT Borneo Champion Mahakarya, Head of Startup Borneo Foundation, Advisor RumahSinggah.ID, Director of the Borneo Juara Community Academy, Mentor Startup Weekend Banjarmasin, Mentor & Jury Diplomat Success Challenge South Kalimantan, Mentor 1000 Startup Hub 11 South Kalimantan & Central Kalimantan, Mentor AMSI Taaruf Startup Challenge.
Organizational experience, as General Treasurer of DPP AMSI (Indonesian Muslim Startup Association), Deputy Chair of PINBUK South Kalimantan, Chairman of DPD PMKM-PRIMA (Micro Small Entrepreneurs Menah Prima Indonesia) South Kalimantan, Head of Economic Affairs for the Ummah, Cooperatives & MSME Orwil ICMI South Kalimantan (Indonesian Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Indonesian Muslim Scholar), VP Entrepreneur Bid.
Startup & Digital Business IMA (Indonesia Marketing Association) Banjarmasin-Banjarbaru Chapter, Head of MCM-SMSI (Millenial Cyber Media – Indonesian Cyber Media Union) South Kalimantan, Entrepreneurship & Community Development Division ICCI (Indonesia Concortium for Cooperative Innovative), Deputy Chair of the Commission’s Startup Committee MSMEs and the Creative Economy of South Kalimantan, Chair of the Shopee Banjarmasin Campus (2019), Bukalapak Community Manager Banjarmasin (2018-2019).
anang fadhilah
Adam Nugraha Wiradhana Head of Millennial Cyber Media SMSI South Kalimantan