Audience with Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno, HIPMI Encourages Tourism and Creative Economy Recovery Programs

chairperson of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (BPP HIPMI) Mardani H. Maming held a meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno

JAKARTAChairperson of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (BPP HIPMI) Mardani H. Maming held a meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno to discuss collaborative program plans and strategies needed by the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector. Tourism and creative economy during a pandemic.

Namely, a credit help program of IDR 50 million to MSME players in the tourism and creative economy sectors. Maming welcomed the program that will be run with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf). According to him, tourism and the creative economy are priority sectors that need to be encouraged.

HIPMI appreciates the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy program which will disburse credit help of IDR 50 million to MSME players in the tourism and creative economy sectors, it will distribute a total financing scheme of up to IDR 3 trillion to 60 thousand business actors. However, it is important to ensure that data is identified first. Prospective recipients by name or by data from affected parekraf business actors.

Because the tourism sector needs revive and the funds from this program will need by Mr.Sandi to foster the community from below so that it can apply in the tourism sector, starting from cheap financing, coaching, to ecosystems market their products, “said Maming, in an audience with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, at the Kemenparekraf Office, Jakarta, Tuesday (2/2/2021). He hopes soon we can realize the Kemenparekraf program. HIPMI is committed to helping revive the tourism sector across the archipelago since the activity of receiving tourist visits reopened. “We welcome and that the tourism sector is rising. Of course there are many HIPMI member entrepreneurs who also rose in this sector. And we will list MSMEs in the tourism sector for participation in this program,” he said.

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According to him, it is time for the economy boost again after being hit by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. Likewise, for the tourism sector, Maming agreed to continue to push for growth and impact on many other sectors. “Tourism is quite central and can be a locomotive for the economic progress of a region. Because there will be many affected sectors that will grow to follow. For example, transportation, hotels and so on,” said the CEO of PT Batulicin Enam Sembilan Group and PT Maming Enam Sembilan.

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On the same occasion, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno will disburse credit help of IDR 50 million to MSME players in the tourism and creative economy sectors. For example, parekraf business actors in Bali who through Governor I Wayan Koster have proposed financing of Rp. 9 trillion from the central government. Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno stated that at an early stage, IDR 3 trillion in funds would be distributed to 60 thousand business actors. “This credit help is a Parekraf Selection Credit (KPP) program that has been approved by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). We expect this financing scheme to benefit MSME parekraf so that they can rise from the COVID-19 pandemic and open the widest viable employment opportunities,” said the man. who is called Sandi?

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also discussed several cheap and fast financing schemes for parekraf SMEs. The People’s Business Credit (KUR) program in the parekraf sector will also be continued this year. Sandi will also take advantage of the social credit scheme through a micro waqaf bank to restore the parekraf sector. “We agreed on several things regarding financing schemes for the tourism sector and the creative economy, in which there are several schemes are needed by tourism and creative economy actors during a pandemic and a slowing economy.

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I will prioritize those who affected, ranging from jasmine hotel entrepreneurs to jasmine hotels. to the home stay. Also the organizing of micro tourism such as tourist villages, stalls, shops are in small and micro status, “he said. We target these programs to be implemented in the next 1 to 3 months. Sandi hopes that a series of financing programs for the recovery of the parekraf sector can open the widest possible job opportunities. “Seeing that this is one of our ways to encourage the recovery of the tourism sector and the creative economy, which in fact has become a source of livelihood for 34 million Indonesians who depend on the parekraf sector,” he said.

Anang Fadhilah