Basic Requirements Peatland Ecosystem Restoration for Food Program Development on Ex-PLG Land

Farmers repair irrigation channels for rice fields at the location of the food development program with the concept of Food Estate in Belanti Siam Village, Pandih Batu District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan. (Photo: Binsar Marulitua)

Palangkara Raya – Peat ecosystem restoration is the fundamental requirement in developing the food program in the former PLG land, Central Kalimantan Province. It has restored peat will impact water availability and a decrease in the potential for forest and land fires in the area, which has been happening repeatedly.

Director General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control (PPKL), M.R. Karliansyah explained that it will carry the recovery from, among others, by resetting the peat lands with improved water management (resetting), replanting with endemic plants (rehabilitation & revegetation).

“Another effort is to increase the community’s economy is independently take part in the protection and management of the peat ecosystem,” said Karliansyah.

Supporting this, the Directorate General of PPKL, together with Palangkaraya University and Lambung Mangkurat University organized “Technical Guidance; Planning, Implementation and Supervision of Canal Blocking for Restoration of Peat Ecosystems in Ex-PLG Areas in National Economic Recovery and National Food Security”, in Palangkaraya (23/10).

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In his remarks, Karliansyah explained that the canal blocking construction in the Ex PLG is an effort to restore and reposition the peat ecosystem to reduce the potential for forest fires.

The canal blocking construction which will be carried out in damaged and damaged areas in Block A, B, C, D, and E, is part of the efforts to restore and reposition the peat ecosystem in the Ex PLG. I hope it that it can reduce the potential for fires and support the sustainable implementation of the national food security program.

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“The first stage, construe it will carry canal blocks out in Block A, with 115 canal blocks, with a canal width ranging from 3 meters to 16 meters. Meanwhile, in the second phase, 575 canal blocks will be built in Block B, C, D, E, to be precise in Kapuas and Pulang Pisau Regencies, which will start in November 2020,” he explained.

The technical guidance was attended by canal blocking construction implementers, candidates for canal blocking construction supervisors, representatives from the Provincial and Regency Environmental Services, and the internal team of the Directorate General of PPKL. Purpose of implementing this technical guidance activity is to provide the planners, builders and supervisors with the same understanding of the technicalities of canal blocking construction starting from the planning stages, preparation, detailed development stages, monitoring procedures and supervision of development implementation.

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Differ perceptions between planners assisted by the Faculty of Agriculture, Palangkaraya University (UPR), Implementing Contractors, and Supervisors from both Lambung Mangkurat University and the Team of the Directorate General of PPKL and related agencies in the local provinces and regency, are expected to facilitate bring about effective canal blocking construction., efficient, and comply with applicable regulations. Thus, improving water management in the peat ecosystem in the former PLG can be achieved.

“Every activity that starts with this technical guidance, then implementation of canal blocking construction, monitoring and supervision, always applies the Covid Protocol,” said Karliansyah at the end of his speech.

Anang Fadhilah