Facebook Begins to Open Registration for Micro and Small Enterprise’s Funds

JAKARTA – Facebook has opened registration for Micro and Small Enterprises (Usaha Kecil Menangah/UKM) help Fund Program in Indonesia. Registration for this program will last until 2 November 2020.

This help is Facebook’s support for business actors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It bases the opening of registration for UKMs throughout Indonesia on the high enthusiasm of UKM entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

“Seeing the high enthusiasm of UKM businessman in Indonesia, Facebook opens registration for UKM help Program throughout Indonesia from today to November 2, 2020,” Facebook wrote in its announcement, Saturday, October 24.

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On Facebook , UKM help program is available for UKM entrepreneurs who meet the requirements and are registered in Indonesia. Apart from Indonesia, Facebook is committed to helping a maximum of 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries.

The requirements UKM businesses must meet that include having 2-50 employees, having been operating for over one year, and being affected by COVID-19. Keep in mind that UKM businesses must live in a country is in the same area as Facebook’s operational area.

After filling out the form, several files need to provided to receive UKM help funds from Facebook, among others, the Deed of Establishment of a Business Entity, the Deed of Recent Amendments (Attach only if there is a change in the board’s structure of directors related to your status as a registrar) from business entities and Company Registration Certificates (TDP) or Business Identification Number (NIB) of UKM business entity.

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For more information, business people can look for it on the Facebook for business page or you can also click on the following link, https://www.facebook.com/business/small-business/grants?_rdc=1&_rdr

Facebook itself has provided help in the form of cash and advertising credit with a value of 100 million US dollars or the equivalent of Rp1.4 trillion to support UKM businesses affected by COVID-19 around the world.

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They can use this financial help program, among others, to ensure that workers in the UKM sector can continue to work well, reduce rental and operational costs, connect with more customers, and support the community.

In reviewing incoming applicants, selecting UKMs, and distributing grants to selected UKMs, Facebook partners with Deloitte Consulting and Goodera.

Anang Fadhilah