After Carrying Out Peace Mission, the Chief of South Kalimantan Police Appreciates 6 South Kalimantan Regional Police Personnel

Banjarmasin– Six South Kalimantan Regional Police personnel who are members of the Bhayangkara Task Force, the Minusca Central African Formed Police Unit (FPU) and the Bhayangkara Task Force, Uniformed Police Unit (FPU) Unamid Sudanese have returned to Headquarters.

The Head of South Kalimantan Police, Inspector General of Police, welcomed his return. Dr. Nico Afinta, S.I.K., S.H., M.H. with Karo HR Polda South Kalimantan Kombes Pol. Ari Wahyu Widodo, S.I.K., at South Kalimantan Police Chief, Monday (26/10/2020) at 17.00 WITA.

South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Dr. Nico Afinta, S.I.K., S.H., M.H. considers that personnel who carry out the Peace Mission have carried out their duties with full discipline, dedication and chief motivation during their operations there.

“Thank you and the highest appreciation for dedication and achievements that have been shown while serving in Central African Republic and receiving various awards in carrying out their duties,” said the South Kalimantan Police Chief.

In addition, he advised the soldiers to join and adjust to the unit.

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It is followed by improving professionalism, both and in units, by continuing to develop a culture of learning and practicing in each unit.

The South Kalimantan Police Chief added that this success should provisions and new experiences. “The success that has been achieved provision and experience in facing the complex future tasks,” he said.

One of these tasks, he continued, is an effort to discipline health protocols to public and to oneself to prevent spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) in adapting to new habits (IMR).

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“Take care of your health and still adhere to health protocols,” concluded the Head of South Kalimantan Police Inspector General of Police Dr. Nico Afinta, S.I.K., S.H., M.H.

On this occasion, they handed the personnel of Minusca and Unamid FPU over to the Head of South Kalimantan Regional Police, Inspector General of Police. Dr. Nico Afinta, S.I.K., S.H., M.H. and closed with a group photo.