Final Devotional for 2020: Out of The Shadow Little Gods?

What is the face of our society? The world of religion that is vast but interpreted by a small mind and soul?

A politics without principles?

What about our own inner face? What are we looking for?

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A wanderer fighting to the top of the treasure. The pinnacle of power. The pinnacle of knowledge. Until it hurt his mind.

At the peak, it sought no pearls. Just tasteless.

Denny JA’s 65 literary works filmed, videotaped, visualized, animated, turned into dramas to songs about reflections on personal and community life.

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65 stories covering a wide range of issues, religion to politics, friendship to betrayal, sacrifice to greed, love, happiness, suffering, to the inner voice of the pandemic era.

Just spend 7 minutes to 50 minutes, one story of the 65 stories, enough to accompany the journey within.

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Playlist 65 Selected Works they Can Access oF Denny JA on YouTube