Indonesian Cyber Media Union Holds Halal Bihalal

JAKARTA – The Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) held an Eid al-Fitr (Halal Bihalal) gathering on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at the SMSI head office Jalan Veteran II, Central Jakarta.

In the series of friendships filled with thanksgiving activities for the end of the Covid-19 pandemic marked by the cutting of the cone made by the General Chairperson of SMSI Firdaus and handed over to the Central SMSI Advisor Drs. KH. M. Ma’shum Hidayatullah, MM.

The Eid al-Fitr gathering and at the same time celebrating the disappearance of the corona virus (Covid-19), presented two religious speakers, namely H. Makali Kumar, the central SMSI administrator, and KH. M. Ma’shum Hidayatullah who is also the caretaker of the Babakan Islamic Boarding School, Ciwaringin, Cirebon.

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On that occasion, Firdaus invited all members and leaders in the country to start working normally, because Covid-19 was over.

“Maximize our efforts so that the company can grow and develop optimally,” said Firdaus.

The news coverage also needs to be directed to give new enthusiasm to important sectors that were paralyzed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These sectors are the world of tourism, entertainment, and industry.

It is hoped that media coverage will be able to build a new spirit and continue to increase economic growth.

We can see for ourselves now that the Government, in this case the Ministry of Transportation, has also released antigen swab tests and PCR for people who will use land, sea and air transportation. The government has also exempted the use of masks in the open.

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Forgive each other

Firdaus in his speech then started the Eid al-Fitr friendship by asking us to forgive each other, between SMSI leaders from various regions and the center to open their hearts to forgive each other.

“Let’s forgive each other. We apologize physically and mentally to all participants who attended both in person and online,” said Firdaus.

An apology was also conveyed by the Secretary General of the Central SMSI, Mohammad Nasir, who guided the event.

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Attending SMSI’s Eid al-Fitr gathering, apart from the central board were Bernadus Wilson Lumi, Ervik Ary Susanto, Retno Intani, Wisnu, and Yono Hartono, and provincial, city and district administrators, as well as the Secretary General of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Center Mirza. Zulhadi who is listed as one of the founders of SMSI Pusat.

Mirza conveyed the initial goal of establishing SMSI, namely as an effort to advance cyber press companies throughout Indonesia. As a press company, we must move forward in order to provide good welfare for journalists.

“Currently 80 percent of journalists who are members of PWI come from cyber media,” said Mirza.