Listen to The ‘Grass Root’ Voice When They Exposed to Covid-19


The National Covid-19  Task Force, on 27/12 said the number of patients  infected Covid-19 in Indonesia had increased  by 6,528 people and  of  this number, Jakarta had logged a total of 1,997 new cases.


Vice Governor of Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria asked residents not to worry about the availability of isolation places at the Wisma Atlit Jakarta Emergency Hospital. According to him, if Wisma Atlit is approaching full, local government will ensure that there will be availability of places.  Is that right?


Indonesia has unique spreading out of the Covid-19 virus and seems is getting out of control. Some people looks like about to give up and keep daily activities such as has no pandemic surrounded them. But others, have been confused of being tested positive.


Let us see the story of  a spouse, call Rani and Tomo.

Rani had most likely contracted Covid-19 from her friends at office who had caught the virus. Rani did not feel any symptoms as described in various explanations about Covid-19 disease and to find out whether she was exposed or not, Rani took her initiative to do an independent swab test. She was escorted by her husband, Tomo.


Rani underwent a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab test, a day after she interacted with her office colleges who had caught the virus. She tested positive. Meanwhile, Tomo, her husband  who was suffering from flu and fever may get infected from his wife. He had tested positive for Covid-19 a day after his wife. Husband and wife exposed to Covid-19.


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The two of their children were evacuated in their grandma’s house and due to have previous interaction with Rani and Tomo, two days later grandma  also did a swab test with all the residents, including two household assistants. All tested negative.


Rani and Tomo have self-isolated at their house. To be more confident, they informed and consulted to the RT committee by phone. It was recommended to do swab test again at the Puskesmas and they were scheduled  three days after registering.


Within three days of waiting for the re-swab test, they treated themselves in their self-isolated by taking health supplements, vitamins, sunbathing, increasing the consumption of nutritional food etc needed in the treatment so that the swab test at the Puskesmas was in a better health condition and hoped that tested negative.


Rani felt that her health condition at the second swab test was better than the first. Meanwhile, Tomo, her husband, still had a slight fever. Swab test results received a week after having test. Rani tested negative and Tomo tested positive.


At this point, the statement of Jakarta Vice Governor regarding the availability of isolation places for those exposed to Covid-19 is questioned.


Through swab test at the Puskesmas, Tomo was tested positive while his wife, Rani was tested negative. This means that Tomo needs a separate place to isolate from his wife. There is neither information nor a Puskesmas  ‘guide’  that  direct exposed patients like Tomo to prepare himself to go to the available isolation place and to obtain information what to do after being tested positive. It is mentioned that the available isolation areas are full.

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While waiting for the isolation place available, Tomo continues to self- isolated and Rani, his wife who has been tested negative is still in the same house accompanying her husband’s self-isolated with a separate room. How can this prevent catching the virus again?


This is a very dilemma. The case of Rani and Tomo certainly did not only happen to them but could also be experienced by the community in general. If the government does not immediately rear the guard, the epidemic will stay longer and fight for the corona virus will be pointless work.

Apart from the large number of patients treated, several things that need to be noted in the case of Rani and Tomo are slow handling procedure of the puskesmas and not immediately act to coordinate handling actions for patients.


First, the swab test results are obtained within a week. During a week period of waiting, may the patient’s condition is not quite well and may have routine daily activities outside his house, to meet others. If it is found that he or she tested positive, will this be a risk to increase the number of virus exposure?


After swab test at puskesmas, there must be an assertiveness action from the puskesmas in asking those who had just been swab tested not to leave the house until known she or he is tested negative. The results of the swab test are certainly accelerated, do not have to wait for one week.


If tested is positive, the puskesmas will certainly be able to give directions to patients on what to do immediately. Mostly, the puskesmas only informed the RT administrators about the results of the swab test, then let the RT officials looked for a way out.

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It could be happened that the puskesmas is overwhelmed in finding available isolation places. Now if this happens, of course the statement from the Vice Governor of DKI who asks residents not to worry about the availability of isolation places and ensuring that there will be availability of places, needs to be socialized continuously to all staff to reach the puskesmas.


If the puskesmas obtain certain information for the benefit of the patient, will the puskesmas take the longest to convey this information to the patient?  Compassion must be shown for those who get affected by this pandemic.


It is understandable if people who are exposed to Covid19, the main referral is to go to health center or puskesmas because if they have to seek independent treatment, at least tens of millions rupiah, even BUMN Minister Erick Thohir said, the cost of caring for Covid-19 patients is estimated at IDR 105 million to IDR 215 million.


Since puskesmas is the main reference for the community in seeking treatment during this pandemic, of course the community expects excellent service from the puskesmas, especially the confirmation of what to do after the swab is tested positive.


With excellent service at the puskesmas, reflects this country cares about the welfare of society. (RI)


*) media practitioner & lecturer