National Press Day 2021, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno Invites SMSI to Help Awaken the Tourism Sector

JAKARTA – Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahudin Uno invited media that are members of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) to help revive the tourism sector. Sandiaga conveyed the invitation when he was a speaker at the National Seminar which was held by SMSI, Wednesday (3/2/2021) with the theme “National Economic Recovery and Creative Economy Awakening (Post-Pandemic PENKEK)”.

We held this national seminar to mark the 2021 National Press Day (HPN). Apart from Sandiaga, there were also speakers at the seminar, chairperson of the Association of Indonesian City Governments (APEKSI) Airin Rachmi Diany, chairperson of the Central Executive Board (BPP) of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) Mardani H Maming and Head of the Bali Province Communication and Information Agency Gede Pramana representing the Governor of Bali.

The seminar was attended by the general chairpersons and administrators of the Tourism Association (PHRI, ASITA, AKPI, ASPPI, Tourism Scholars, HPI, ASPINDO, PUTRI, MPI, HPP, HHRMA, IFBEC) and the central committee, provincial / regency / municipal management SMSI throughout Indonesia it was guided by moderators Retno Intani (, Aat Surya Safaat ( and Hilmi Fabeta (Indonesian Creative Network). Sandiaga in the seminar also confirmed that the 1,224 media that were joined, of course, had numerous journalists hoping to help to restructure the revival of the tourism sector. “Seeing the current condition, there are 34 million jobs living in the tourism sector and this is what we also want from our national press friends. SMSI, whose members comprise 1,224 cyber media.

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I honor this as the largest press company organization in the world, “he said. It is said, cyber media has a very, very strategic role and can carry out collaborative steps in the three pillars of the Ministry of Tourism, innovation, adaptation and collaboration. Meanwhile, the chairperson of the Association of City Governments throughout Indonesia who is also the Mayor of South Tangerang, Airin Rachmi Diany, admitted the importance of collaborating with the mass media in publishing various government programs, including promoting creative tourism. during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“The role of the mass media is very important in publishing government programs to advance various development sectors, including tourism and the creative economy,” he explained. In line with Airin, the General chairperson of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) Center Mardani H Maming emphasized that the creative economy business world must collaborate with the mass media. “Because the media has a very important role in building positive information to the public to improve and advance the creative economy and tourism,” said the former Regent of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan.

It is also acknowledged by the Head of the Bali Provincial Government Information and Communication (Diskominfo) Pramana Gede. “To promote tourism in Bali is inseparable from the role of the media so that the media is very important in supporting tourism and the creative economy in Bali,” Pramana Gede explained. Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Central SMSI, Firdaus said the commemoration of the 2021 National Press Day (HPN) felt very different from previous years, when the world had not yet been hit by COVID-19.

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“In the decline’s midst in all business sectors because of the COVID-19 virus, SMSI together with 1,224 members comprising cyber media companies, are trying to keep hand in hand so that they are not get destroyed by the impact of COVID-19. The members of SMSI have an important task in their business, namely maintaining their own enthusiasm, and disseminating information that brings new enthusiasm and hope to society, “he said.
