Regarding the 2024 Presidential Election, National Secretariat Confirms to Wait for Jokowi’s Directions

Jakarta – The National Congress of the Network of Indonesian Community Organizations (Seknas Jokowi) unanimously elected Rambun Tjajo as general chairman. Elections are carried out offline and online by Jokowi’s National Secretariat management throughout Indonesia and representatives abroad.

President Jokowi was present in person and opened the Jokowi National Secretariat Congress which took place at the Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (27/11/2021). In his remarks, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of the unity of volunteer organizations and the active participation of all components of the nation in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic.  “Pandemic is not an easy case,” said Jokowi.

In his remarks the President also said that he had special memories with Jokowi’s National Secretariat. “I remember very well that the first volunteer organization I visited was Jokowi’s National Secretariat,” he said.

After being elected as the new General Secretary of Jokowi’s National Secretariat, Rambun Tjajo stressed that Jokowi’s National Secretariat organization will remain loyal to the political line carried by the national government under President Jokowi.

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Wait for Jokowi’s Instructions Regarding future political developments in 2024, the National Secretariat will pay attention and wait for Jokowi’s choices and directions. “Seknas was born as a result of searching for a new leader who inherited the founding fathers of the nation,” said Rambun.

Jokowi’s Eyes and Ears Meanwhile, the person in charge of the Jokowi National Secretariat Congress Helmy Fauzi said that with the election of a new general chairman, Jokowi’s National Secretariat would immediately close ranks to oversee President Jokowi’s policies and programs.

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“Seknas is ready to be Pak Jokowi’s eyes and ears to ensure that the president’s programs and orders are actually implemented in the field,” said the former Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt.

Anang Fadhilah