Scriptures in The Era of Google and 10 Pearls

by: Denny JA

In the Google era, the holy books of other religions will also experience the story of Bhagavat Gita. For believers, we consider the Bhagavad Gita the work of Lord Ganesha. But for those who don’t believe, we can still enjoy the Bhagavad Gita as a literary reflection on life.

This is the case of the Bhagavad Gita. It is a holy book for believers. But for those who do not believe it, we consider it an old, inspirational literary document.

The news is quite striking. For the first time, members of Congress in the United States were sworn in and sworn in using the Bhagavad Gita (1).

Pramila Jayapal, an Indian-American woman in 2017, was elected as a member of the Congress. He represents Washington state from the democratic party.

The photo was circulated. They swore him to place his hand on the holy book of Bhagavad Gita.

For many Hindus, the Bhagavad Gita is a direct work of Lord Ganesha. He is a god with an elephant head. In one moment, Ganesha broke one of his tusks. He wrote the sacred book with his ivory. (2)

But for those who don’t believe the story of Mahabraya, the battle of Baratayudha in the Mahabrata and Bhagavad Gita books is the work of one or a few thinkers.

Even the wayang about pandawa five, in the battle for the Karaketra against the Kauravas, many Indonesians can take part in staying up late at night.

The story of the knight in the puppet, about a character who holds a mandate, is firm with promises and virtues, even though he has to sacrifice, is inspiring.

They, regardless of religion, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, even no religion, can enjoy the Mahabrata story with ease. For them it is just a literary work. Even for those who believe, it is the holy book of God’s work.

So many holy books of religion are available. Besides the Bible, Bhagavad Gita and Quran, there are also Kitab-i-Aqdas (Bahi’a Religion), Tipitika (Budha), Jain Agamas (Jain), Torah (Hebrew), Kojiki (Shinto), Guru Granth Sahib (Shinto) , Tao te Ching (Taoism), and Zend Avesta (Zoroastrian Religion).

Now there are 4300 religions with their respective holy books.


The same thing happened with other religious scriptures: the Old Testament. Old Testament. The stories of the Prophets: Moses, Abraham, Noah, Adam, were first written in the Old Testament.

Same with Bhagavad Gita. For those who believe, the Prophet Musa wrote the stories of the Prophets through “revelation” from God, the owner of the universe.

However, the experts traced the old testament. From the grammar and grammar, it feels like it was not written by one person. It also seems that he was not written from one era. These are the works of several people spanning hundreds of different years.

Like the Bhagavad Gita, for those who believe, it still embraces the Old Testament as holy book. But for those who don’t believe, the book is considered the work of the Jewish rabbis but is still full of inspirational musings.

For the stories of several prophets, the Jewish rabbis rewrote them based on the stories of other characters in folk tales from earlier times.

Research on “Who wrote the Bible,” continues to produce pros and cons. (3)

We are entering a new era in understanding religion. Google provides a lot of research results. Information that was initially circulated only among a small group of academics is now widely accessible to the public.

This new wisdom is actually positive for the harmony of religious adherents. Various holy books are considered to be shared cultural assets. The various books are still inspiring.

Just a different emphasis. For those who believe and that right is fully respected, the holy book is God’s revelation. For those who don’t believe, the holy book can still be enjoyed as an afterthought on literary life.


What morality can we learn from the many religious scriptures?

I started with the case of the Quran. These are ten pearls that I found during the 30 Juz Alquran during the 30 nights of Ramadan.

For me personally, these 10 pearls are enough to guide life as an individual, or as an activist with social ideals. These 10 pearls have been able to make my life meaningful, happy and struggling.

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THE FIRST PEARL, THE PRINCIPLE OF Tauhid: Free Yourself From Little Gods

Surat Ali Imran Verse 18

Allah declares that there is no God but He (who has the right to be worshiped), Who upholds justice. Angels and knowledgeable people (also declare that). There is no God but He (who deserves to be worshiped), the Almighty, the Most Wise.

The highest evolution of an individual, he grows into a noble human being. That only happens if he no longer serves a small god. Wealth, power, figures, ideologies can become little gods if we defeat the principles of humanity to achieve them.

With the principle of Tauhid, we are only oriented towards God who is all-powerful, just (Most Just), who is full of love (Most loving), who is knowledgeable (All-knowing), who is capable (All-powerful), and so on.

This is the highest spiritual journey of an individual. He tried to get the spark of divine light in his life also be fair, loving, knowledgeable, able to manage one’s own journey and trust.


SECOND MUTIARA, Uphold Justice, Even though the Sky Falls

Letter: An- Nisaa: 135

O you who believe, be you a true enforcer of justice, become witnesses for Allah even though against yourself or your father and family. If he is rich or poor, then Allah knows more about his benefits. So do not follow lust because you want to deviate from the truth. And if you twist (words) or are reluctant to be a witness, then Allah is All-knowing all what you are doing.

This is a strict command to be fair even to close people. There is no stronger influence than the spirit of the people in order to uphold the principle of justice.

History records. So much superpowers. Giant powers in time fell apart. It happens when there is injustice, there is injustice happening.

Wherever and whenever we live, if there is injustice there, whoever the cause, even if the sky is falling, be ready to say: NO !!


THIRD PEARL, Tolerance, No Compulsion in Religion

Surah: Al Maidah, Verse 48

And We have sent down to you the Koran by bringing the truth, confirming what was before, the books (which were revealed before) and the touchstones of those other books; then decide their cases according to what Allah has sent down and do not follow their passions by leaving the truth that has come to you. For every person among you, we give you rule and a clear path.

If God wants you, he will make you one people (only), but Allah wants to test you against His gift to you, so be competent to do good. It is only to Allah that all of you return, and He will tell you what you have disputed about.

Surah: Al Baqarah: 256

There is no compulsion to (enter) religion (Islam); the correct path is clear rather than the wrong way. Therefore, whoever denies to Thaghut and believes in Allah, then in fact he has held on to a very strong rope knot that will not break. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

I underline from the two letters: it creates humans for various. Race in goodness. And there is no compulsion in religion.

The more modern an era is, the more diverse it is. The next step is not uniformity, but finding common ground to live together in peace.

That only happens if there is sincerity in accepting diversity. Of course, the preaching of virtue is not only permitted but recommended. But there should be no compulsion in believing something.

It should enforce only national laws. And coercion is only a matter of crime. Thinking, having different social ideals, having different beliefs, it’s not a crime.


FOURTH PEARL: Charity, Alms, Help those who are weak

Surah: Ali Imran verse 92

You may never come to virtue (which is perfect), until you spend some treasures you love. And whatever you supply then verily Allah knows.

Chapter Al-Bawarah Verse 215

They ask what they are living for. Answer: “Whatever wealth you spend, you should give it to mothers and fathers, relatives, orphans, the poor and those who are on the way.” And whatever goodness you do, Allah knows best.

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This has become the iron law of history. Wherever, whenever; whatever system is implemented, the weak and disadvantaged are always born.

Every individual is also a social being. He has the power, no matter how small, to help shape his social environment. In turn the social environment helps to shape it again.

Giving charity, giving alms, helping those less fortunate, the only way for society together to survive. The quality of the assistance will be even higher if it is done on one’s own awareness, which is based on compassion.


Fifth MUTIARA: United Pious People, Find Common Points

Surah: Al-Baqarah 62

Surely the believers, the Jews, the Christians and the Shabiin, anyone among them who truly believe in Allah, the next day and do good deeds, they will receive a reward from their Lord, no worries. to them, and neither (nor do) they grieve.

Surah: al maidah verse 8

O you who believe, let you be the ones who always uphold (the truth) for Allah’s sake, bear witness with justice. And never your hatred of a people, encourage you to behave unfairly. Be fair, because fair is closer to piety. And fear Allah, verily Allah is Most Meantahui what you do

Surat al-Mumtahanah, verse 8

Allah does not forbid you to do good and be fair to people who did not fight you because of religion and did not (also) expel you from your country. Allah loves those who are fair.

Surah Al Kafirun verse 6:

To you your religion, and to me, my religion “.

The four quotes above are quite clear. There is no prohibition to cooperate with anyone as long as they do not fight against us because of religion and do not expel us from the country.

It is clear, too, to you your religion, to me my religion. But we live in the same public space. We have to live together. The modern world finds a constitution as a guide for living together. Pious people from every religion unit, working together within the limits outlined by the country’s constitution.


THE SIXTH PEARL: Preach by Example

Surah Fushshilat verse 33:

Who is better at speaking than someone who calls to Allah, does righteous deeds, and says: “I am among those who surrender?

Surah Asy Syuara verse 109 :

And may I never ask you a reward for this invitation; my reward is none other than the Lord of the worlds.

Chapter Ali Imran Verse 104:

And let there be among you a people who call on virtue, command the good and prevent the evil; they are the lucky ones.

Surat An Nahl, Verse 125

Call (humans) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and salutary lessons and argue with them in a good way. It is your Lord who knows better about those who have strayed from His ways, and He who knows better those who are guided.

Being a preacher of goodness is not a profession. It is a recommendation that each individual spreads what is right and what is not. I do this not because of wages, but awareness to build society together.

But what is the most effective dakwah? The most touching thing is if not only words, but daily behavior that are role models. Even without quoting a single verse, if daily behavior touches many people, it becomes a virus that transmits goodness.


SEVENTH PEARL: recommitment to the straight path again and again

Surah: AlFateha, verses 6 and 7

Show us the straight path,

The path of those whom You have favored them; not (the way) of those who are wrathful and not (also the way) of those who have gone astray.

Surah Ar-Radi, Verse 28

Those who believe and have their hearts at ease by remembering Allah. Remember, it is only by remembering Allah that the heart can be at peace.

Chapter Al-Ankabut Verse 45

Read what we have revealed to you, the Holy Book (Al Quran) and establish prayers. Prayer prevents from (actions) heinous and evil. And remembering Allah (prayer) is greater (its priority than other worship). And Allah knows what you do.

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This commitment to goodness must be continually renewed. Temptations and challenges come all the time. The commitment not to be tempted and to only want a straight path must also be determined continuously.

Remembering Allah regularly becomes a way to recommit (commit again and again). Every individual needs to have a mechanism (prayer) that is carried out continuously, so that he will remember more and learn more about the choice to live straight.


EIGHTH PEARL: Be grateful

Luqman Chapter, Verse 12

…. “Give thanks to Allah. And whoever is grateful (to Allah), then in fact he is grateful for himself; and whoever is not grateful, then verily Allah is Rich, Most Praiseworthy”.

Whatever reality is presented to us, it is a synergy and the result of the influence of tens of variables. In fact, there are far more variables that are out of control. We are born, become men or women, born to certain parents, in a certain environment and era, it is not us who choose.

Gratitude for whatever reality comes is a smart choice so that we make peace with reality. Continuing to strive for the better ahead, is not a barrier for us to be grateful for what is already there.

Moreover, there has been a lot of research in positive psychology that shows how gratitude makes life happier.


NINTH PEARL: Forgive and Move On

Surah Ash-Shura, verse 43

But people who are patient and forgive, actually (actions) like these include things that are prioritized.

In personal and community life, it is inevitable that sometimes there are differences in views and interests, competition is losing and winning. Sometimes wrong actions happen.

But life goes on. The present and future keep coming. In order not to be hard going, we should not take the problems of the past anywhere. Let go of that pastu in an apologetic and forgiving way.

The mistakes of both yourself and others must be viewed. That error is a way for each individual to grow by taking lessons from that mistake.


TENTH PEARL: Honest and Keep the Trust

Surah: Al-Baqarah, Verse 42

And do not confuse what is right with what is false, and do not hide what is right, as you know.

Surah Al-Mukminun, Verse 8

And those who keep the mandates (which he carries) and his promises.

With knowledge, we can tell which one is right and what is wrong. With empathy, we can feel what is fair and what is not.

Dare to tell the difference. We also give every individual who is given the knowledge at the same time the mandate to make use of it. Every individual who is entrusted with power is also entrusted with a mandate to maintain the power to spread goodness.


These ten pearls that I found when I was diving into the ocean of the Koran. Other individuals may very well find different pearls. They can also find the same pearl, but different from giving meaning.

It can also pick various pearls from these various scriptures. Kitab-i- Aqdas (Bahi’a), Tipitika (Buddhism), Jain Agamas (Jain), Torah (Hebrew), Kojiki (Shinto), Guru Granth Sahib (Shinto), Tao te Ching (Taoism), and Zend Avesta (Zoroastrian Religion).

How in the Google era how do we live in harmony with the presence of so many holy books? Living with 4300 religions?

We are free to believe which one we consider revelation from God, if there is a call to it. If not, or the rest of the scriptures can be enjoyed as a literary reflection on life. *


(1) The first time members of the United States Congress were appointed with the Bhagavad Gita

(2) By believers, Bhagavad Gita was addressed by the elephant-headed Lord Ganesha. He broke the tusk to write the Bhagavad Gita.

(3). Who wrote the Bible, the Old Testament. This research found the Prophet Musa not wrote him, but by many Jewish rabbis over a long period.

Text source from Facebook DennyJA_World