SMSI Discussion with BPKN RI, Consumers Must Be Smart and Critical and Understand Rights and Obligations

JAKARTA – The second time, the Freedom Circle Forum held a discussion entitled Balance of Consumer Rights and Obligations, in the framework of building social justice and the welfare of the Indonesian people “. Acting as the host, the Secretariat of the Central Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) which is at Jalan Veteran II No. 7C Central Jakarta. This time it held the discussion with the National Consumer Protection Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPKN RI).

Present at the discussion, Deputy Head of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN RI) Dr M Mufti Mubarok SH S.Sos MSi as Keynote Speaker, Firdaus chairperson of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI), resource person DR Megawati Simanjuntak SPMSi BPKN RI, practitioners attended by Didi M Rosyidi Commissioner Main PT Jasa Tirta Energi (BUMN).

Several members of the press included Yoga, one pioneer of RMOL (Rakyat Merdeka Online), Versanews, factual news, community organizations represented by Novie from the community organization Rumah Pancasila, Edi Lazaro Lase Populis Indonesia, and various elements of society, Wednesday afternoon (21/4/2021) . The activity began with a welcome and thank you greeting by the General Chairperson of the Central SMSI, Firdaus. On this occasion, Firdaus, who is also the owner of Teras and Group Magazine, said that discussions would be held.

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“Something will hold discussions every week, covering various topics, involving all elements,” he said Firdaus hopes that, even though the discussion starts with limitations and conditions as they are, the discussion can continue to produce important information for the community.

“Discussions with limitations and conditions as they are, do not prevent us from working together to produce thoughts, ideas, suggestions and important information that is useful for the wider community,” said Firdaus.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN RI), M Mufti said, all Indonesian citizens are consumers who must be smart and critical of the products they consume. He emphasized, the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) is committed to and optimizing the importance of literacy and education to the public, both consumers and business actors as a form of BPKN’s main duties and functions as mandated by Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.

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“The smart and critical consumer index of Indonesian consumers is still 49.7, which means they are capable but not yet critical. The contribution of critical consumers is more dominated by mothers, we will increase it in 2021 to 60, maybe it will be closer to the critical number,” explained M. Mufti.

Mufti hopes that SMSI and BPKN RI can continue to work together to provide information and knowledge to consumers on the rights and obligations of consumers and business actors, which are related to justice and clear legal certainty. “In this building (the Central SMSI Secretariat) we will talk a lot about consumer rights related to justice and legal certainty, because this is important and must be fast,” said M. Mufti.

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Megawati Simanjuntak in her explanation conveyed consumer rights including the right to comfort, the right to choose goods and services, the right to correct information, the right to hear complaints and opinions, the right to get advocacy and protection, the right to get education, the right to be served, the right to receive compensation or redress. Megawati revealed that consumers also have obligations, following instructions and information, having good faith, paying according to the exchange price, following proper legal settlement efforts.

“It takes the participation and pro-activeness of consumers in increasing the dignity of consumers by raising consumer awareness, knowledge and concern and fostering consumer ability and independence, being critical of products on the market that are deemed inappropriate and of low quality,” said Megawati. The discussion opens at 16.00 WIB and ends at 17.40 WIB and is then continued by breaking the fast together.

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