SMSI Launching News Room, M Nuh: Is A Hope

South Tangerang – The online media site will coloring the world of public information. That cyber media news site was officially launched at the SMSI Joint Secretariat (Sekber) on Jalan Graha Bintaro Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City, Saturday (10/10/2020). The launching event was attended by officials of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI), both Central and Regional.

Siberindo President Director, Hendry Ch Bangun explained, online media has grown rapidly at this time. Nevertheless, he asked all Siberindo Online Media management to maintain his appearance by presenting quality, integrity and truly exclusive news content in line with his name.

“This media must present something truly exclusive. Exclusive is truly special,” he said.

Hendry said, although is an online media that has just launched, it must be admitted that there is a need to improve the quality of the news broadcast.

“This is just launching and only half way through. Insyaallah, in 2021 we will improve the news and quality that is broadcast,” he said.

Hendry added, before the launch of, the news on Siberindo had reached 200 news per day, but by the end of this year the increase in news in each region had to reach 600 news or 1000 news.

“Insyaallah, on the end of this year we will increase the news coverage from 200 to 1000 news items per day. We will also do “bintek” to strengthen it in each province. Yes hopefully in March 2021 Siberindo will be more advanced,” he said.

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Meanwhile, the Head of Central SMSI, Firdaus said journalism is an effort to present accurate facts and information. However, in its history, journalism was not only an attempt to present accurate facts and information, but also stories about creativity. That is when people look closely at the economic potential of efforts to convey information while still adhering to the principle of accountability for writing information.

“Creativity is what must be the guide. That in an effort to convey information, journalists must holding on to the ethics of delivering information. It is not because Bad News is Good News, and that all facts and events are always seen in the perspective of Bad News,” he said.

Firdaus said, SMSI is a group of owners of local media who are often considered small. It is not the mainstream media that many people refer to. However, due to its small and local scale, it is a great strength for SMSI that the mainstream media in Jakarta does not have.

“The locality of SMSI is an asset to provide a new perspective in delivering information. That now we must change in developing national issues. Through SMSI and Siberindo, we must change that national problems are not problems in Jakarta, but also problems in the regions, “he said.

Firdaus added, the local nature of the SMSI resulted in a strong psychological bond, psychological bound, for each SMSI member to the local news it presented. News about a tourist attraction in Riau will be more valid and more interesting and have more power if it is delivered by Riau people and not by people from Jakarta.

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“By their very local nature, SMSI and siberindo are a force to turn local problems into national problems. To see that Indonesia is not only Jakarta and Jakarta does not always mean Indonesia,” he said.

Firdaus also said, if the SMSI consisted of local media, then Siberindo was not only a strategic place to nationalize local problems to become common problems, but also a joint place to move. Like a stick, siberindo is a tool that unites the sticks into a new power that is great and beneficial to others.

“Everything can only be done if SMSI is creative and observant to see every development that exists, and is consistent and persistent in doing it,” he concluded.

Chairman of the Council of Press, M. Nuh said, alhamdulilah, today there is a glimmer of hope from friends who are members of the
Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) to form online media Siberindo. According to him, of course this institution is not just a gathering place for associations or organizations engaged in the media but this is a place that shelters both journalistic and non-journalistic aspects, namely from the continuation of the efforts of friends engaged in online media or cyber media.

“This status solidifies the steps of SMSI and Siberindo in uniting cyber media companies to jointly face new challenges, building company infrastructure, as well as the widest possible network of work systems. The Council of Press also congratulates the launch of Siberindo. I hope it will continue to provide the widest possible information for the people of Indonesia,” he concluded.

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Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Muhajir Effendy, M.A.P. The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia said, was established to answer the challenges of online mass media in an era of rapidly advancing information technology.

In his opinion, in practice internet-based mass media do not only compete with their peers. But also with individual content providers who benefit by providing a variety of interesting content for the public interest.

“We hope that cyber media press companies that thrive in Indonesia can produce quality and useful journalistic works,” he said.

Muhajir Effendy said, President Jokowi greatly appreciated the support of the media in helping the government, in overcoming various important challenges currently facing the Indonesian nation. While the media performs its function as social control, the government can also get more conceptual input regarding the direction and implementation of development. Especially, those related to the nation’s strategic issues.

“The mass media must have the power to gather and mobilize to do something. So, it needs warm collaboration between the media, the public and the government,” he said.

Governor of Banten, Wahidin Halim via video conference congratulated the launch of

Wahidin hopes that will be able to be useful reading, providing the latest and actual information.

“Hopefully it will become a useful media and provide the latest and actual information for all readers in Indonesia,” said Wahidin.

Anang Fadhilah