What a shame, the COVID-19 Social Assistance Fund for the Weak People to be Corrupted

Woke up from sleep around 02.30 WIB in the morning. The time when Allah SWT was in the first heaven. The right time to pray.

Allah SWT has established the law and promised to grant all the prayers of His servants who have merit. On this occasion, I want to complain and pray to Him:

“O Allah, God Almighty, is the condition of my country so terrible that there are officials who are so determined to corrupt the COVID-19 funds, where the social assistance funds for the community are very weak due to this global pandemic. Denied the mandate of the leaders of the country who had recommended them and the leaders who had appointed them and denied the weakest people of my country”

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“O Allah, in the third of this last night, at this time that You have set as the most effective time to pray, I beg You, help our beloved country, stretch out Your loving hand to this beloved country”

“O Allah, do not you punish us because of the behavior of a few corruptors who have no sense of humanity who betrayed their leaders and the weak people”

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“Reward the cursed corruptors of the COVID-19 Social Assistance Fund in accordance with the suffering it caused, felt by the recipients of the corrupted aid”

“Allahumma aamiin. Grant, O Allah”.

(Hendra J. Kede )