61 Participants Participate in Technical Guidance and Certification for Umrah, Hajj and Muslim Tourism Tour Leaders

BANJARMASIN – The South Kalimantan Indonesian Travel Association (Aspperwi Kalsel) and the Halal Tourism Institute Forum (FHTI) held Technical Guidance and Certification for Umrah/Hajj and Muslim Tourism Tour Leaders which was attended by 61 participants from representatives of travel, tour and travel agencies in South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.


This activity was carried out at Rumah Anno 1925, Jalan Piere Tendean, Banjarmasin City, on Thursday and Friday (13-14 June 2024). This event was attended by the Head of the South Kalimantan Tourism Service, Aspperwi Advisor who also acts as an assessor, Dr. H. Gunawan Surbakti, M.Pd., Chairperson of the South Kalimantan Asperwi, Hj. Siti Aisyah (assessor), and H. Katino (assessor).

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In his remarks, the Head of the South Kalimantan Tourism Service, represented by the Secretary of the Department, expressed his appreciation and support for the implementation of the Technical Guidance and Certification of Tour Leaders for Umrah/Hajj and Muslim Tourism which was held by Aspperwi and the FHT Institute in Banjarmasin City.


“The existence of a tourism tour leader plays a very strategic role in supporting tourism promotion in South Kalimantan. “This is in line with the South Kalimantan Provincial Government’s program which is aggressively promoting religious tourism in South Kalimantan,” he said.

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The technical guidance and tour leader certification which lasted for two days was guided by three assessors, namely Dr. H. Gunawan Surbakti (Founder of the Halal Tourism Forum), Hj. Siti Aisyah, and H. Katino (assessor of South Kalimantan Asperwi).


“We provide all participants, the majority of whom are travel business owners and travel agencies in South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, with an understanding of destination management, promotion and tourist management. “The material covers marketing strategies, customer service and the latest developments,” said Dr. Gunawan is also a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University and Unpad Bandung.

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Tour leaders, said Gunawan, must be skilled at making travel plans and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Tour leaders must understand their duties well and act professionally. They must coordinate with travel parties to ensure smooth tour operations, such as bus drivers and others. In addition, they should have detailed knowledge about hotels, tourist attractions, restaurants, transportation, souvenirs and prices in the area or country they want to visit.