Takokak Fruit Advantages for Our Health

Takokak Fruit

Jakarta – Solanum torvum or Takok fruit has many advantages for health. Takokak which came from Latin America teritory convinced could medicate many diseases such as stroke, hearth attack, uric acid and cancer, as been reported by mimbar-rakyat.com member of siberindo.co group

Takok has around 1-1.5 size and served as part of fresh vegetable. According to dr. Reni Utari from Indonesia, Takokak with bitter taste always found in bushes

Even cultivated in small scale and found in the rare area, Takok has many advantages for our health. those advantages are :

  1. Elevating immunity

Antioxidant at Takokak fruit is useful to elevate body immunity

  1. Preventing cancer risk

One of main advantage of Takokak fruit is to prevent cancer risk. Antioxidant solanin, solasodin and soolamargin at Takokak fruit could shortened cancer risk by hindering the growing of abnormal cells in body. antioxidant in Takokak Fruit is useful to diffuse lung cancer symptomps, servics cander, breast cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancer.

  1. Resolve diabetes
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Antioxidant at Takokak fruit also have a function to decleane blood sugar substance as diabetes causes. Takokak fruit contain metil caffeate, a natural fenolic substance with anti hipergliclemic effect. Tested to the rat with diabetes and inducted with strptozocotin, metil ccaffeate could decleaned significant glucose and elevate body weight

  1. Preventing stroke and hearth attack

Takokak also contain antioxidant saponin, flavonoid, alkaloid, glikosida and tannin. Some compound that could decrease blood pressure and inclenea bad colesterol in the blood as cardiovascular cause such as stroke or hearth attack

  1. Resolve erection dysfunction
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Others Takokak useful is to medicate erection dysfunction. Nutrition content at Takokak fruit has function to ease blood circulation to all bodies including to penis. Blood circulation to penish is able to improve nerve damage in neuron connector that conncet brain works system in penis. Finally, erection would be normal again.

  1. Medicate Joint Pain

One of Takokak useful is to medicate joint pain. anti bacterial compound content and anti-imflammatory at Takokak fruit could resolve health problems cause by joint pain such as uric acid and arthritis

  1. Preventing osteoporosis

Takokak fruit is rich of calcium that useful to prevent bone damage such as osteporisis

  1. Resolving imflammatory

anti-imflammatory compound containt at Takokak fruit isu useful to overcome many illness caused by imflammation

  1. Easing digestion
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The next Takokak useful is to ease digestion. Takokak fruit also useful for netralizing acid at stomach as cause of stomach illness and to preven the growing of worms in testiness.

  1. Medicating kidney illness

Anti-imflammatory content compound at Takokak fruit is usefull to bring back tubular necrosis function and glomerulus also to avoid kidney illness

  1. Medicating flu

Takokak fruit also useful to prevent and medicate flu also to clean mucus as the main cause of asthma and lung imflammation

  1. Resolving anemia

Takokak fruit contain iron which needed to produce hemoglobin and resolve anemia. However, Takokak fruit also useful to ease menstruaction cycle