Chaotic About the Cooperation of the Oil Palm with PTPN V Riau, The Chairman of Kopsa Makmur After KSP Asked for SMSI Support

JAKARTA – Agrarian problems however occur. The polemic that has emerged has not subsided as long as there are wicked attempts by certain individuals to smooth their steps.

This fact is clearly illustrated by the complexity of the problem between PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) V and the Koperasi Petani Sawit Makmur (KOPSA-M) in Pangkalan Baru Village, Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province.

The chaos that has been going on for a long time started with the construction of an oil palm plantation owned by KOPSA-M in Pangkalan Baru Village, Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency, Riau.

Where previously, this cooperative garden was built by Agro Bank in three stages; 400 hectares, 1,150 hectares and 500 hectares. But recently, the plantation for stage one is said to have disappeared and PTPN V only acknowledged that the plantations owned by the cooperative were only those for stage two and three.

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A piece of the story was revealed by the Chairman of KOPSA-M, Dr. Anthony Hamzah, when visiting the Central Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) office at Jalan Veteran II, RT.Two/RW.Three, Gambir, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, Friday (11/12/2020) and accepted directly by the General Chairperson Central SMSI, Firdaus.

Anthony merely visited the Central SMSI office after reporting the problem between KOPSA-M and PTPN V to the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Head of the Presidential Staple (KSP).

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Pursuing the political story, assigning to Anthony, after a extensive journey, until now, there has been no handover of the plantation from PTPN-V to the Cooperative.

“We scarcely support them take care of the plants because since April 2017 PTPN-V has left the garden,” stated Anthony.

Anthony explained, awarding to the Riau Governor Regulation No. 7 of 2001 CHAPTER VI Article 23 paragraph 5 point a read that costs arising from delays in transferring plantations to cooperatives/plasma farmers due to negligence of the core company are the responsibility of the nucleus company.

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“Therefore, the management is fighting for debt write-off and demands the return of assets that were transferred in 2001 to PTPN-V through Mardjan Ustha as HR Director,” stated Anthony.

With all these stories, Anthony hopes that the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) can help guard the case.

“As fellow groups of private entrepreneurs, SMSI can work together and look after each other,” hoped Anthony.

Responding to Anthony’s request, the General Chairperson of the Central SMSI accompanied by the Deputy Secretary General, Yono Hsrtono, said that “SMSI management promised to continue to monitor the case.” (*).