Dozen Foreign Workers Without License Found in Lubai Ulu

Illegal Foreigner Worker From China in Muara Enim - South Sumatra

Muara Enim – Dozen foreign workers from China without legal documents found in Lubai Ulu sub-district, Muara Enim District of South Sumatra Province, Friday (02/10). Previously, there were found 38 foreign workers without license from China in Electric Steam Power Plant, PT SGLPI in Tanjung Menang village, Sunday (27/09)

“It is true. We visit incidentaly to Tanjung Agung and we found 13 foreign workers without legal document such as passport an visa” Head of Lubai Ulu sub-district, Wien Wearma Putra, said to, as group in Friday (02/10). Foreign workers found in Lubai Persada town in Thursday (02/10)

“it was found 13 foreigner workers from China in our unannounced inspection whereas we got information that there were 23 foreign workers in that location” Wien said. Wien unannounced inspection accompanied by security forces, security guard, and government officer. Foreign workers is working for aerial power lines project in Tanjung Agung sub-district.

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“We ask foreigner worker to equip with legal document immediately in accordance with applicable regulation and if could not show document, it means they are illegal workers” Head of Lubai Ulu Jani sub-district said

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Wien asserted that he not refuse foreigner worker, yet he ask foreigner worker to equipped with immigration document. Wien will give one week for illegal foreigner worker to complete document. If foreigner work could not show original legal document, he will expel them out of Lubai Ulu