Palembang City Government Prepared RP 24 Million For Simpang Sekip Fly Over

Palembang Mayor

Palembang – People of Palembang city will enjoy Simpang Sekip Flay Over (FO). Palembang Government city did not have obstacle in land release of FO Simpang Sekip”  as have been cited by detak palembang as part of group, Wednesday, (3/9)

“Budget prepared in main Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget for 2021. Moreever, we prove our commitment by disassemble sub-district Kemuning office as part of land release for FO Simpang Sekip” Palembang Mayor, Harnojoyo, said

It is need land release budget for more than 6.000 meter square by using funding sharing between Government of South Sumatra Province and Government of Palembang City

“This is adjusted with the readiness of our budget. Physical budget construction is using National Revenue and Expenditure Budget through BBJPN Wilayah V and  the rest helped by Governor through Regional Revenue and Expenditure budget of Province” Harnojoyo said

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Harnojoyo explain that in 2021, South Sumatra Governor support infrastructure development in Palembang city. “He (Governor) is ready to support”

Meanwhile, Head of Planning and Development Agency of Palembang City, Harrey Hadi, said that FO Simpang Sekip construction will included to 9 national strategic program in Regional Medium-Term Development (RPJMD) changing for 2018-2023 year

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“This is final and will proposed to legislation bureau of Palembang City legislative in 2021. Majority of infrastructure development in Palembang using sharing fund system. It is impossible rely on APBD (State Regional Budget)” Harrey said