Governor Ganjar Asks the Press to Maintain Professionalism and Integrity

Semarang – Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked members of the press to maintain professionalism and integrity amid disruption on all fronts. In the fast communication and information industry, the press must be able to present positive and not misleading content to the public.

The governor expressed this when giving a speech at the inauguration of the management of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) of Central Java Province for the period 2020-2025 at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Semarang, Tuesday night, October 27, 2020. PWI management led by Amir Machmud NS was inaugurated by Chairman of the Central PWI Atal S Depari.

“Currently, the PWI challenge is tough. The press must be able to make big changes internally and externally. Be careful in providing information and maintain integrity by presenting a positive narrative. I just got a video containing foreigners giving their opinion not to believe Covid-19. Content like this can confuse and unsettle the public. Corona has had the impact of the decline in the world economy, including America and Britain. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia’s economy is doing better than Singapore and Malaysia during this pandemic. Is this often exposed to our press? Even Mahathir Mohamad admitted it,” said Ganjar.

However, he admitted that he was helped by the existence of the Central Java press, which has been acting as a partner of the Provincial Government. Media personnel provide training to public relations and the Communication and Information Technology Office on how to create good photos, visuals, and narrative.

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Chairman of the Central PWI Atal S Depari appreciated Amir Machmud who has been elected as chairman of The Central Java PWI for the second time. To the new management, Atal again reminded the press to be independent, productive, and innovative. “The press is required to be energetic and have a strong commitment to work together,” he said.

He said, currently the stages of regional head elections are currently underway. Mappilu-PWI is encouraged to take a supervisory role in the democratic party.

Meanwhile, Amir Machmud said, many things he would do after being trusted to lead PWI again. First, is to maintain partnerships with various agencies and institutions that have provided support to PWI.

”When our partners respect PWI, how respect do we do for partners? Of course not enough words of thanks. More than that. The respect we can create is respect for ourselves to increase the dignity of the press, maintain behavior that upholds the Press Law and the Journalistic Code of Ethics, expand networks, evaluate, and strengthen competence,” he said.

Second, continued Amir, put forward positive narratives in reporting in the midst of the corona pandemic. He hopes that in the future, PWI will become an umbrella and big house for media workers to develop themselves. “Let’s live PWI, not looking for life at PWI,” he ordered.

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Present at the inauguration ceremony included Secretary General of Central PWI Mirza Zulhadi, Daily Executive of the Central Java Regional Secretary Herru Setiadhie, Head of the Central Java Communication and Information Agency Riena Retnaningrum, Head of the Central Java Regional Development Planning Agency Prasetyo Aribowo, Central Java senior press figure Soetjipto, Sasongko Tedjo, as well as representatives of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda).

The composition of the PWI Central Java management for the 2020-2025 term of service:


Edi Noersasongko

Hendro Basuki

Bagas Pratomo

I Nengah Segara Seni

Head of Central Java TVRI Station

Head of RRI Semarang Station.

Chairman: Amir Machmud NS (

Deputy Chairman for Organization: Isdiyanto Isman (Kedaulatan Rakyat)

Deputy Head of Journalist Defense Zainal Abidin Petir (

Deputy Head of Education: Solikun (

Deputy Chairman for Welfare: Bhakti Yudhatama (LPP RRI)

Deputy Chairman for Inter-Institutional Relations: Achmad Ris Ediyanto (Wawasan).

Deputy Chairman for Journalists: Multimedia Herry Pamungkas (TVKU).

Secretary: Setiawan Hendra Kelana (Suara Merdeka)

Vice Secretary:

Intan Hidayat (

Aris Syaifudin (

Treasurer: Achmad Zaenal Muttaqin (LKBN Antara)

Deputy Treasurer: Budi Setyo Purnomo (



Bakhtiar Rivai (LPP RRI)

Sunarto (Wawasan)

Mutohar (

Sports Journalist (Siwo):

Erwin Ardian (Tribun Jateng)

Sigit Pramono (

Budi Cahyono (

Advocacy/Legal Journalists:

Budi Sutomo (Wawasan)

Christian Bagoes Prasetyo (Genta Magazine)

Hermansyah Bakri (

Education Journalist:

lda Nurlayla (Radar Semarang)

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Alkomari (

Nina Atmasari (Harian Jogja)

Welfare Journalist:

Ida Nursanti (Suara Merdeka)

Sumarni Utamining (

Polhukam Journalist:

Gunawan Wibisono (Jantramas News)

Ali Arifin (

Cooperation Journalist:

Nurkholis (

lsmu Puruhito (

Culture and Entertainment Arts Journalist:

HandryTM (

Haryanto Mega (Media Indonesia)

Stefy Thenu (

Photo Journalist:

Chandra Adhie Nugroho (Kedaulatan Rakyat)

Sutomo (

Multi Media Journalist:

Masturi W Syaharga (INEWSTV)

Myra Azzahra (TVKU)

Triyoga (LPP TVRI)

Tourism Journalist:

Wisnu Setiadji (Wawasan)

Agung Mumpuni (

Economic Journalist:

Arri Widiarto (

Management is also equipped with a special agency.

Journalist Competency Test Agency (BUKW) 

Chairman: Widyartono Radyan (

Secretary: Darjo Soyat (Suara Merdeka)


Aman Ariyanto (

Suparningsih (Police News)

Organizational Business Development Agency (BPUO):

Chairman: Henri Pelupessy (Jakarta Newspaper)

Secretary: Aning Karindra Ariyanti (Jateng Pos)

Indonesian Journalists Association-Election Monitoring Society (Mappilu-PWI)

Chairman: Sugayo Jawama (Info Jati Magazine)

Deputy Chairman: Ahmad Su’udi (Jateng Pos)

Secretary: Hamim Rivai (

Deputy Secretary: Fani Ayudea (Suara Merdeka)

Treasurer: Bekti Maharani (Bernas)

Monitoring Division:

Fahmi Insetyonoto (

Agus Umar (

Education, Training, Socialization Division:

Kunadi (Suara Merdeka)

Mohamad Annas (Suara Merdeka)

Publication Information Division:

Saefudin (

Choirul Ulil Albab (TVRI)

Advocacy and Legal Aid Division:

Darno (

Suparman (

Composition of the Board of Trustees of the PWl Province of Central Java for the 2020-2025 service period:

Chairman: Sri Mulyadi

Secretary: Sosiawan


Agus Fathuddin Yusuf

Parlindungan Manik

Bustaman Day
