Technical Rule Violation in Lubuk Tanjung Road Construction at Lubuk Linggau City

South Sumatra – Began by people complaint to work of road construction in Lubuk Tanjung, Lubuklinggau City of South Sumatra Province, it is found violation against technical rule. Managing contractor presumed decreased road material volume.

The truth of material volume decreasing and technical rule violation by CV Ogan Mandiri as a managing contractor revealed by Chief of Water Resources Section of Public Work and Planolgy Office of Lubuklinggau, Kendi Lenggana, in his office, Friday (18/9)

It is explained that work of Lubuk Tanjung road is not redimix or material stirred manually.

When asked why there were not supervision in that work, Kendi Lenggana explained that it is hard for his office to monitor that work with only five staffs.

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“It is impossible for us to oversee them every day because we only have five staffs. If we have to oversee them every day or every hour, it is better for as to be a contractor” Kendi answered

On the other side Kendi remi remind that Lubuk Tanjung project has a positive side. “It is better not to publish negative side only because that work has meet public need and over analysis. There were high road that has to be levelled, and it was out of rule, but it was done by contractor. Try to publish our work hard not only a negative side. I believe that people who disagree is only one compared to thousand. Meanwhile contractor have meet people need to levelized high road even deep of digging reached to 1.5 metres” Kendi explained

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Meanwhile Head of Public Work and Planolgy, Asril, was difficult to meet because and did not reply our WhatsApp contact.

It was reported before that there were people complain relating to road construction projek financed by Regional Expenditure Budget (APBD) with Public Work and Planology Office as a leading sector. Worked by CV Ogan Mandiri with budget more than Rp 149 million. Unfortunately, big budget did not meet with quality of work. According to journalist investigation, mix material composition is not propper and did not meet standard of work

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“It is clear not propper because coral material and six barrow sand only use half cement” one of source from citizen that asked his identity not published

Told that there were not hardening first by coral in the central part of road. Road casted immediately by using mix material such as coral, sand and cement. Material mix was not propper and worth as ruled by technical standard in construction work.