Habib Banua: NU Will Not Remain Silent On the Injustice and Criminalization of Mardani H Maming

JAKARTA – Prince Syarif Abdurrahman Bahasyim also raised his voice regarding the rampant accusations that were echoed by the buzzer to the General Treasurer of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Mardani H Maming.

According to him, this case that has become a public concern has become crowded because it is allegedly loaded with criminalization efforts against Mardani H Maming.

The member of Committee I for Legal Affairs of the DPD RI said that this case was very strange. Especially with the judge’s inconsistent attitude towards Mardani’s presence as a witness in the bribery case that dragged the name of the former head of the Tanah Bumbu ESDM office, Raden Dwidjono.

“At first the judge allowed the witness to attend via online zoom, but at the last minute he changed his decision even though Mardani H Maming was already present,” said the man who is familiarly called Habib Banua, Saturday (23/4/22)

Habib Banua then highlighted the presence of buzzers or buzzers on social media that were coordinated to attack Mardani.

“He is only a witness, not a defendant, but he is framed as if he wants to be tried,” he said.

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“We should first focus on the defendant, on the substance of the case,” continued the senator from South Kalimantan.

He expects the judge as “God’s arm on earth” not to mess with his decision.

“NU cadres will not remain silent on the tyranny and criminalization aimed at their administrators,” said Habib Banua.

Habib Banua also urged law enforcement to immediately investigate who was behind the criminalization of Mardani H Maming.

“I give support to law enforcers to reveal the invisible hand who did this criminalization, don’t be afraid to reveal the actor,” he said.

In addition, the senators in Senayan, he said, will also continue to pay attention to this criminalization effort.

“We will provide supervision and guard this case so that justice can be served,” he concluded.

Robot Account

Digital expert Anthony Leong believes that there is a movement that intentionally discredits Mardani H Maming.

This movement was allegedly born since the bribery case of Mining Business License (IUP) which dragged the name of Raden Dwidjono.

Even though he was only a witness, a number of accusations were even directed at Mardani H Maming.

“This news is moved, trending topics on social media are also moved. We indicate that there are parties who want to move this issue,” said Anthony through a press release received by the Media Crew on Friday (22/4/22).

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In addition to these accusations, he continued, several hashtags were echoed by several accounts allegedly Buzzer through social media Twitter, April 18, 2022.

The latest hashtag that has appeared on Twitter regarding Mardani H. Maming is # CallPaksaMardani. This hashtag is thought to have been due to several absences from the trial.

“We’ve seen some negative sentiments that were intentionally created from #Mardani3xMangkir # CallPaksaMardani and so on. Trending topics that cornered Mardani H. Maming are all robot accounts, this reflects something that is not healthy in cyberspace. Social media should be used as an arena to enlighten the public on positive things, not to bring down individuals,” he said.

Anthony asked the public to be able to explore more in-depth information so as not to be influenced by engineered communications.

“It is necessary to respond more deeply to issues, lest the fabricated negative news change the perception and assessment of this figure, Mardani H. Maming is a good person and has done a lot of empowering for young entrepreneurs, MSMEs, startups throughout Indonesia,” concluded the doctoral student in Communication Studies. Padjadjaran University (Unpad).

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Ask the Judicial Commission to Step in

Representatives of LPBH NU, LBH Ansor, and Hipmi visited the Judicial Commission (KY) building for an audience, Friday (22/4).

They came for an audience and at the same time submitted a request for KY to send a team to monitor the trial of the corruption case Number 6/Pid.Sus-TPK/2022/PN Bjm which is currently taking place at the Banjarmasin Corruption Court.

LPBH NU, LBH Ansor, and Hipmi are concerned about intervention and interference with the judiciary to criminalize H. Mardani H. Maming.

Therefore, the Judicial Commission is expected to carry out monitoring to ensure that the trial proceeds freely, honestly and impartially (free, fair and impartial).

“We really hope that KY can monitor and prevent this trial from being used as a venue for judgment and criminalization of our general chairman who is only a witness,” said Irfan Idham, Head of the Legal Division of Hipmi.

Anang Fadhilah