Interpreting Mother’s Last Demand

by: Denny JA

Mother’s Day, December 22 this time. I don’t just remember my mother who died last year. Also not only remembering his last request. Now I am reinterpreting Mother’s last request. One day in December 2018. Mother was weak. Somehow I feel like this is my last year with Mother.

To the children, I have several times ordered them to visit their grandmother more often. “Nyai will be with us soon.” The feeling just came. Maybe because I am very close to Mother. To him, there are always leaps of conclusions that come from nowhere.

I wish I could fulfill anything to make Mother happy. As far as I can, I’ll do it. The last time. So, early December 2018, I visited Mother. It’s been about 7 years since my mother was in a wheelchair. He was 84 years old.

Mother also spoke very. Accompanying Mother for 2-4 hours. Sometimes she only said a few words. The rest, Mother spoke through the eyes. “Tell me, please. What Mama wants to experience. I want to have. I want to feel it. Insha Allah, if he is able, Denny will fulfill it “

Mother looked into my eyes. Her eyes were brighter. But mom only smiled. I repeat the same question. But in unfamiliar words. In Palembang language.

There’s also no answer. I looked at mother. I kissed his forehead. I am also silent. Waiting. I do everything in my power to give a message. That I am waiting for your answer. Then came out the word Mother. Bit by bit. “You sing,” said Mother. “Singing?,” I asked. Mother nodded. “On TV.” Mother said further.

It flabbergasted me. “Mama want Denny to sing on TV?,” I asked, emphasizing. Because it’s a rather strange request. Is it true? I’m not a singer. Singing on TV, too. My mother nodded. Made it clear he wanted me to sing on TV. Not giving up, I asked again. “Okay, Ma. What else do you want? Do you want? Besides Denny singing TV, what else do you want? “

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I’m planning. Since I couldn’t fulfill Mother’s request for me to sing on TV, at least there was another request that I could fulfill. My mother said nothing. There is no other word. He only smiled. Until I had to go home, Mother didn’t make any other requests. That was the only word Mother had time to say. I sing on TV.


I pondered for a long time. How to fulfill Mother’s request. I know a lot about TV leaders and owners. But asking me to sing on TV, how strange. My voice is enough. Never dreamed of becoming a singer. If I fill in a TV show for a Talk Show, I can still do that.

I interpreted your request for words. The express. Textual. I pondered. What made Mom want me to sing on TV. Could it be that Mother was missing when I was a child. At that time I was about 11 years old. Grade 4 or grade 5. Xaverius II Elementary School in Palembang.

For some reason, the teacher chose me to sing along on the school stage. I also often practice outside school hours. Mother often delivers. From the house to the practice site, alone. Sometimes I sit on your lap. We took a rickshaw. Mother looks very proud.

The event started. Mother, father and several brothers watched. After singing, the audience applauded. Ordinary. Just like applause for another show on that stage. But from the stage, I watched when I finished singing. A woman clapping the loudest. While standing up too. Stand alone. That’s my mother.

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For the first time, I wore what mother called the Safari Shirt. Like a suit. Mother said this dress makes me look like a little star. In 2018, I tried to understand. Is that childhood memory that comes to Mother. He just missed the past.


What power. That’s Mother’s request. I am looking for a middle ground. Because it’s impossible to sing on TV. I also sing on Youtube only. I contacted a friend who used to make video songs. He suggested, I play a musical instrument. Later a violin player who is on the rise to accompany: Hendri Lamiri.

I just agree. The important thing is that I sing on the recorded video. Appears on Youtube. I will show it to my mother via cellphone, with the message: my mother’s request has been fulfilled. This is a rare event for my size, which never sings specifically, except for a limited gathering.

I took the tape to Mother’s house. I showed it on HP. “This is mama. Mama’s request. Denny sings. See ya. “ Mother smiles. Her eyes sparkled. But displeasure is overflowing. I don’t know exactly if the fun isn’t at its peak because I don’t sing on TV.

Because it was already published on Youtube, I blasted the video to social media. At one time the video was trending. As many as 120 thousand viewers. Certainly it wasn’t because of my singing quality, which was just barely enough. Even minus.

But maybe listeners are moved with his motivation. A grown boy in his 50s, singing to his mother. Posted on Mother’s Day too. I sang the song: “Ibu and the song,” by Koes Plus. Why did I choose the song? That was Mother’s favorite song.

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I remember hearing that song the first time, when I was 9 years old. In 1972. I heard it on the old radio. RRI events. Hearing the song while on the lap Mother. The video can be seen in this link:


Welcoming Mother’s Day this year, 2020. More than a year since Mother has passed away. I am reinterpreting. Why did you ask me to sing on TV. That’s the last request your mother has ever said to me directly. After that, Mother spoke less and less in words. There is never another request, even though I often ask.

Now welcoming Mother’s Day 2020, I also give another meaning to your unique request. This interpretation is more appropriate to my situation. Singing, which I mean to interpret, is not singing in a textual sense. Not singing like Ebiet G Ade, or Koes Plus.

But it sings in a metaphorical sense. Singing is a metaphor for speaking out in public. Give an opinion. Provides perspective. Spread inspiration. Enlightenment. Preaching what is right. That’s fair. Required.

Singing in a metaphorical sense is fitting. My passion there. “Mama, could this be what you mean? Mama wants your children to continue to be active in their voices. Witness his time? “ “Hopefully my interpretation is more pleasing to you, Mama. On Mother’s Day, I sent Alfateha for you. May my prayers reach you, Mama. “ *

22 December 2020

Source : Facebook DennyJA_World