Moeldoko Asks Food Task Force to Brush Cooking Oil Mafia

Denpasar – Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko responded to the alleged cooking oil mafia related to the commodity shortage case. He said the Food Task Force that had been formed would work hard to overcome the situation.

“I think the food task force that has been formed will work even harder to overcome this situation,” said Moeldoko, when met by the media crew, in Gianyar, Bali, Friday (18/3) afternoon.

He also supports the lifting of the Highest Retail Price (HET) as a solution to overcome the scarcity of cooking oil. Moeldoko emphasized that the revocation is expected to make producers no longer hold back the price of their goods.

However, his party also emphasized that if there would be another game about cooking oil, the Food Task Force would act decisively. “Surely (decisive action will be taken). The task force will take firm action if the policy is enforced with various brushes,” he said.

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Previously, the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi apologized because his party had not been able to handle the cooking oil problem. He suspects that the scarcity of cooking oil is caused by the mafia and speculators taking advantage, so that the various policies he has made are ineffective.

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“With apologies, the Ministry of Trade cannot control it because it is human nature that is greedy and evil,” he said in a meeting with Commission VI DPR, Thursday (17/3).

Anang Fadhilah