SMSI Grief, Former Head of PWI Center Margiono Dies

The sad news came from the Indonesian Press community, a senior journalist and former chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) for two terms, Margiono passed away on Tuesday (1/2).

The President Director of the Merdeka People/CEO of the Rakyat Merdeka Group passed away at the Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) Modular, Jakarta at 09.45 WIB, Funeral Home: BSD, Villa Serpong Jl Kencana I Blok C2 No 2,3, 4 Serpong, Tangerang

The chairman of the Central Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI), Firdaus, in his official release, Tuesday (1/2/2022) expressed his condolences and deep condolences for the passing of the senior.

“Hopefully the deeds of worship of the deceased are accepted by Allah SWT and the families left behind are given fortitude,” said Firdaus.

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“SMSI is sad, Mr. Margiono is a senior as well as a mentor for us. He has given us many memories and lessons,” added Firdaus.

“SMSI, which was born from PWI functionaries, cannot be separated from Mr. Margiono’s cadres who are all over the country. With his passing, SMSI feels lost,” added Firdaus.

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“In order to remember and pray for the deceased, tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, 2/2/2022) SMSI will send a joint prayer at the Secretariat, Jalan Veterans, Central Jakarta,” explained Firdaus in the release he sent.

Anang Fadhilah