Indonesia Off-road Federation South East Activities Prioritize Rescue, Social Service and Tourism

Banjarbaru – The Indonesian Offroad Federation (IOF) of South Kalimantan Province is not just an organization, in which there are automotive lovers to channel their hobbies.

But IOF South Kalimantan is a forum that contributes to society, the IOF South Kalimantan event emphasizes social service, rescue and tourism. IOF South Kalimantan, which has 36 club members and 4 districts in South Kalimantan (Banjarmasin City, Tapin, Tanbu, Tanah Laut), continues to collaborate with the Regional Government and the South Kalimantan Provincial Government, to succeed in various social activities, including dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now, talking about IOF South Kalimantan being involved and carrying out various social activities, it has been carried out for a long time, because social service seems to be the breath of IOF. A number of IOF South Kalimantan activities in 2022 are ready to be held, with the leadership of IOF South Kalimantan by Haryadi, the activities of this adrenaline-pumping organization are getting denser.

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Let’s say it’s like handling Covid-19, where since the beginning of South Kalimantan was attacked by non-natural disasters, the organization has been involved and took part in socializing and providing education to the public.

The hobbies of members and administrators of this organization are channeled, the people of South Kalimantan also feel and get the positive impact of the activities they organize. And it should be noted that IOF South Kalimantan members come from various backgrounds, ranging from ASN, TNI/Polri, doctors, businessmen and others.

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South Kalimantan IOF activities that emphasize social service, rescue and tourism, namely, on 26-27 February Banua Bhayangkara Jeep Community and Trikora Avengers Jeep Community at Kiram Park along the Meratus Mountains.

This includes holding the last series of IOF National Championships in South Kalimantan in the middle of this year, which will be opened by the General Chairperson of IOF Inspector General of Police Drs Sam Budigusdian, MH. 

Anang Fadhilah