Writers! from Aceh to Papua Get Together!

In the world of writers, returning to the khitah means returning to the early traditions of writers. Initially the founders of the nation, the inner shapers of Indonesia were also writers. Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, Bung Sjahrir, RA Kartini, Mohamad Yamin, all of them were also writers.

Returning to khitah is an inspiration for writers to take on a significant role again to color the minds of their time. This spark inspired me when I received the mandate. The eight board members, apart from myself, were Chappy Hakim, Azyumardi Azra, Ilham Bintang, Wina Armada, Didin S Damanhuri, Nasir Tamara, Inda Citraninda Noerhadi and Swary Utama Dewi Akalamasi chose me as the General Chair.

Not only the general chairman of the Satupena writers’ association who just finished holding the national congress on August 15, 2021. But he was also elected general chairman of a new organization intended to bring together the Indonesian writer community: HATI PENA.

This is the era when the giants of the information revolution have had a double effect on writers. On the one hand, the abundance of information and ease of access has turned the internet into a paradise. It’s easy as well as a writer to do research.

On the other hand, the information revolution also provides so much free reading. It’s not only in the form of text, but also audio-visual. As a result, the economic value of many books declined drastically. The public is buying books less and less. In the case of Indonesia, the situation is even worse. Book piracy happens naked in plain sight.

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Royalties and book taxes that also don’t make the author smile. Therefore writers need to come together, unite aspirations. Very often, collective organizations are stronger and better able to lobby for author-friendly public policies.

In addition, associations and communities can become oceans. If the authors are the fish, the ocean provides a healthy and rich environment, ecosystem for the fish. -000- These are the seven excellent programs that I will carry out as general chairman.

I also include the three support systems. This is for SatuPen and Pen Heart.

1. AWARDS for some of the best writers Every year on August 17th, Satupena/ HATI PENA forms a jury to give awards to a number of the best writers. Prizes in the form of certificates and funds

2. WORLD LIBRARY For Satupena/HEART PEN members for free Satupena/Heart Pena will provide library access to thousands of academic journals in JSTOR, and access to the world’s best libraries (explored by the library of congress in the US, UK). Access to the national library and the DPR is also explored.

3. PRINT ON DEMAND Publish Member’s Works Satupena/ Hatipena makes a business or at least cooperates with a Print on demand business. A curator team was formed to help fellow members publish their books to the layout and ISBN. Then you can sell on demand. 75 percent profit for writers. It can also be sold as a PDF in collaboration with an established business.

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4. SATUPEN YOUTUBE ACCOUNT/HEART PEN “All About the Author.” One pen/Heart of the Pen forms a team to create a youtube account, once every 2 weeks interviewing writers who excel, or who have just published interesting works, explore the creative process of the author concerned This is meant to inspire and share experiences with fellow writers

5. DISCUSSION 2 WEEKLY WEBINAR About Books Satupena/Hatipena formed a team as a forum for members to be able to actively follow the latest developments about books or interesting events every 2 weeks. This discussion can also be followed through Facebook and YouTube

6. CONNECTION TO INDUSTRY Satupena/Hatipena will form a team to look for patterns of collaboration with Netflix, and the like, as well as other industries, channeling the work of writers: screenplays, and others to participate in enlivening today’s industrial world.

7. Writer-friendly POLICY ENVIRONMENT Satupena/Hatipema formed a team so that in the long term a policy that is friendly to writers (the government stops/reduces piracy, a more friendly author tax, and also a more satisfying author royalties)


I also as the general chairman will provide three supporting systems.

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1. ASK REGULARLY what members propose as a program Every 6 months, the team circulates a questionnaire asking members what programs are needed. – what program to expect – How much is the shadow of the fund – Where do the funds come from? The program is made based on the availability of funds From here we formulate additional programs

2. Professional TEAM In order for the program to run, Satupena/Hatipena will employ a professional team who are paid to be technical support so that the program runs

3. Initial Fund In order for the program to move, I personally, as the general chairman, will set aside around 500 million-one billion rupiah in five years Satupena/Heart Pena will also open a donation program that is 100 percent used for the benefit of members


Like an orchestra, I am only a composer and conductor. Overall music is good when the violinists, piano, trumpeters play in harmony. Plus, the orchestra is more lively when the tenors, sopranos, alto and bass singers sing in chorus to tune. The General Manager is just one carriage of a long train.

But indeed, it’s time for writers, from Aceh to Papua, to come together! August 19, 2021

*) Remarks Denny JA was unanimously elected as general chairman of the SATUPENA and HATI PENA writers’ associations
