Bappenas Called the Construction of the New Capital Just Waiting for Jokowi

Foto: Istimewa/Eurekaconsultants
Foto: Istimewa/Eurekaconsultants

Jakarta – The Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) / Bappenas stated that building a new capital city could be continued even though the corona pandemic was not over.

Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said that certainty was given after Bappenas had completed the master plan for the country’s capital city. With this process, the construction of a new capital city is ready to be carried out according to the orders of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

“Bappenas has completed its task, completing the master plan and detailed plans. So, for example, if there is a political decision today, the president is ordered to build it, we are running, we can do it and we are ready,” he said in a conference per year end of the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas, Monday (28/12).

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According to him, the construction of this new capital city could be the driving force of the sluggish Indonesian economy because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the development of the capital city will create many jobs.

In addition, he ensured that the electricity infrastructure in the new capital would prioritize the use of New and Renewable Energy (EBT).

“This becomes a prime mover, it can create extraordinary jobs and a faster economic transformation because in the new IKN (Capital City) we do not allow conventional energy to turn into EBT, green economy,” he explained.

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Deputy for Regional Development of the National Development Planning Agency, Rudy Soeprihadi added that the plan to build a new capital city will begin with a soft ground breaking. The government had sped up the soft ground breaking plan from 2021 to 2020.

“However, because the pandemic has been postpone (postponed), it will return to 2021., from the timeline (schedule), if we can start in early 2021, of course, if there is a slight shift it is still in the corridor of construction implementation time,” he explained.

Regarding financing, he said the government also opened up opportunities for the Investment Management Institution (LPI) to finance the development of a new capital city. As is known, the government has allowed the establishment of an endowment fund management institution (SWF) through Government Regulation (PP) Number 74 of 2020 concerning Investment Management Institutions.

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“In principle it is possible, later regarding how to manage the IKN there will be collaboration between the authority body and the SWF, because yesterday there was a PP on LPI, later this institution will collaborate,” he explained.

It is known that the government has found the new capital city in East Kalimantan, in North Penajam Paser and Kutai Kartanegara. The total budget for the new capital is Rp. 466 trillion.
