drg Satutya Wicaksono Putra, Chairperson of IMI South Kalimantan Graduated with Cumlaude Predicate at Airlangga University

drg Satutya Wicaksono, son of the Chairman of IMI South Kalimantan Ir H Eddy Sudarmadi and Chairman of IWAPI South Kalimantan Hj Sinta Laksmi successfully completed his dental professional education studies at Airlangga University with a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) of 3.92 and received the title With Praise (Cumlaude).

The second son of a successful businessman from South Kalimantan, who was born in Banjarmasin City, November 15, 1998, is in the top five best graduates at Airlangga University, Surabaya City, East Java. He is indeed a smart person. Of the 10 courses he almost took with A, only two courses got AB. The alumnus of SMA Negeri 5 Bandung, West Java, is scheduled to graduate at the end of March.

“Thank God, Satutya Wicaksono graduated with good grades. This clearly makes me as a parent grateful and proud. Hopefully the knowledge he gains will be useful to dedicate to the community as a dentist,” said H Eddy when he was met after holding a mass circumcision social service and cheap market at the IMI South Kalimantan Secretariat, Thursday (25/3/2022).

The grandson of Raden Pandji Soeparto’s assessment of a successful contractor businessman in South Kalimantan is arguably intelligent and humble, even though he was born as the son of a successful businessman from Banua.

drg Satutya Wicaksono chose to study at SMAN 5, one of the prestigious and favorite schools in Badung City. After graduating from high school, drg Satutya Wicaksono continued his studies at Airlangga University, Surabaya. After receiving the title of dentist, drg Satutya Wicaksono plans to study as a dentist in a European country.

Anang Fadhilah