PENAJAM – South Kalimantan should be proud because Ruslan Abdul Rachman, the administrator of the South Kalimantan Indonesian Motor Association (IMI Kalsel), the first person with the 1996 automatic BMW E36 323i sedan, succeeded in conquering the Zero Kilometer point of Sabang in Aceh, Merauke Papua and the State Capital (IKN) in North Penajam Paser East Kalimantan (IKN).

Ruslan Abdul Rachman, a member of the BMWCCI Classic Register, went on a single adventure to the Zero Kilometer of the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, which was recently visited by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, Monday (14/03/2022).

Unlike before, Ruslan’s journey to 0KM Nusantara IKN invited several friends from BimmerBenz Indonesia, namely Yudhi, Jaka, Agung and Lida. Ruslan said, as an ambassador for Pride and Nationalism who brought the mission of the four pillars of nationality to the 0KM point of Sabang, it would be very incomplete if I did not visit the Zero Kilometer Nusantara IKN point.
“Still still using the 1996 automatic BMW E36 323i, my trip this time also invited some friends from BimmerBenz Indonesia,” said Ruslan.

Ruslan, who is also the administrator of IOF Pengda South Kalimantan, said that the single act of adventuring in a sedan is a matter of pride for him as an automotive lover in Kalimantan to be able to set foot at the Zero Kilometer Nusantara IKN point in Sepaku, East Kalimantan.
“Hopefully this exotic is the last one, because there are still many places in Indonesia that I really want to visit,” he said.
Anang Fadhilah