Pajero Indonesia One Chapter Antasari Presents in South Kalimantan

Banjarmasin – The management of the Pajero Indonesia One SUV Community (PIOne) Chapter Antasari Sunday (27/3/2022) will be inaugurated by the General Chairperson of Pajero Indonesia One R.Wahyu Haryadi at Swiss-Bell Hotel Borneo Jalan Pangeran Antasari Banjarmasin City.

“Thank God, the SUV car community is present at Bumi Antasari, Pajero Indonesia One Chapter Antasari. God willing, tomorrow it will be confirmed directly by the Chairman of PIOne R. Wahyu Haryadi in Banjarmasin City,” said the Coordinator of Pajero Indonesia One (PIOne) Chapter Antasari Abdur Rohman, Saturday (26/3/2022).

Rohman said, currently there are 17 members of PIOne Chapter Antasari who have joined the management of PIOne Chapter Antasari. “The presence of PIOne Antasari is expected to increase in members. Because the main goal of the Pajero community is to establish friendship and brotherhood,” he said.

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The agenda for PIOne Antasari’s activities while in Banua is to make a pilgrimage to the grave of Guru Ijai at Sekumpul Martapura, religious tourism, tour center for souvenirs typical of Martapura. It was continued to welcome the Pajero Indonesia One Chapter Mulawarman team as many as 17 people. “Chapter Mulawarman Balikpapan, there are 17 units of KR Banteng Mulawarman doing your gathering to Banjarmasin City. Followed by at 21.00 the inauguration ceremony at Swiss-Bellhotel Borneo Banjarmasin,” said Rohman.

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