Get ready, the PLN – Himbara Synergy Will Make It Easier for People to Own Electric Motorbikes

Jakarta – PT PLN (Persero) together with the Association of State Banks (Himbara) work together to make it easier for the public to obtain government assistance to have an Electric Motorbike (Motlis).


According to a press statement received by the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) headquarters, Saturday morning (11/3/2023), Himbara, who is collaborating in an effort to accelerate the Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicle (KBLBB) ecosystem, consists of; Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), State Savings Bank (BTN) and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).


Main Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo said that the company together with Himbara are ready to support and implement the government’s assistance program in the ownership of KBLBB for the community.


Through the synergy of SOEs, now people don’t need to hesitate anymore to own Motlis because apart from making it easier for people to buy it, it also provides a more affordable financing scheme.


“PLN together with Himbara and partners support the operationalization of the government’s program. For this reason, we welcome and appreciate the big steps that have been taken by the government to support the acceleration of the transition towards a green ecosystem in Indonesia, especially in the transportation sector,” said Darmawan at the Press Conference ‘Ecosystem Development Support. KBLBB’ in Jakarta, on Friday (10/3).


Apart from that, this synergy will also help ensure that Motlis ownership assistance from the government is properly channeled to the people who are entitled to receive it. Then, people can also get electric vehicles through a light financing scheme in an easy way.


“We guarantee that the process is easy and practical. Because, every subsidized customer, will be automatically verified in the transaction process. From the payment side, every transaction at PLN Mobile will provide direct payment options through various platforms. Including if the public may wish to apply for payment by credit,” Darman said.

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In addition, Darmawan added, PLN has also prepared various incentives for every purchase of an electric motorbike in the PLN Mobile Application. Among them, in the form of electricity token vouchers for prepaid customers, discounted electricity bills for postpaid customers, vouchers to do battery swaps for free, provision of accident insurance guarantees, there will even be held various raffle prizes for Umrah, electric motorbikes and electric cars.


“As a form of support for this government program, PLN will provide various incentives specifically in purchasing electric motorbikes at PLN Mobile,” said Darmawan.


Accelerating the KBLBB ecosystem is also a collaborative step between the Government, Business Entities and the community to realize Net Zero Emissions by 2060.


“We are united and walking together, not just a commitment but the presence of the state for people’s welfare and increasing national capacity. How can we innovate and master technology so that we can create jobs, accelerate economic growth and we can protect the environment together,” added Darmawan.


SEVP Micro & Consumer Finance of Bank Mandiri Josephus K. Triprakoso agrees with Himbara’s support in supporting the acceleration of electric vehicles in Indonesia. Banking has prepared a scheme to provide convenience to the public in terms of Motlis ownership.


“Actually, the banking sector has prepared an attractive scheme to support the launch of this electric vehicle, in which we will equalize the rate and tenor. So that actually shows Himbara’s role in helping launch electric vehicles,” said Josephus.

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On the same occasion, SVP of Corporate Banking 2 BNI, Ditya Maharhani said that his party had prepared special financing for BNI customers and non-customers in the Motlis ownership program. These programs are in the form of providing the best offers, with competitive interest rates, as well as the ease and speed of the process.


“Of course we welcome the collaboration of PLN and all state-owned banks including BNI. We will continue to analyze the potential for strengthening our solutions and services in expanding the use of electric vehicles as well as developing the upstream electric vehicle industry in Indonesia,” said Ditya.


Then, Main Director of BRI Finance, Azizatun Azhimah said, we BRI Group are committed to supporting the electric vehicle acceleration program. BRI provides support, both for B2B financing and for B2C schemes. B2B scheme financing is offered to manufacturing companies that produce cars or electric motorbikes.


“BRI Finance also has several electric motorcycle financing products from last year, including for agencies that need financing for electric vehicles, both cars and two-wheeled vehicles. So we are ready to support our shared dream of making the earth cooler and greener in Indonesia,” said Azizatun.


On the other hand, Bank BTN’s SVP of Non-Subsidized Mortgage and Personal Lending, Mochamad Yut Penta said, BTN supports the financing of the Motlis ownership program through the Motorcycle Ownership Program (MOP) Through KRING (Light Credit) Products which can take advantage of Unsecured Loans. BTN will also facilitate access and the KBLBB financing process with a number of attractive promos for BTN customers who have BTN payroll or have collaborated with KRING Distribution with Bank BTN.

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“This special program provides easy financing without down payment, easy installments, fast processing and flexible loan tenors,” said Yut Penta.


In line with this, the Director of Retail Banking of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Ngatari, stated that BSI’s full support for the Motlis ownership program is in the form of BSI OTO vehicle financing product facilities. In addition to financing individual Motlis ownership for the community, BSI OTO also provides a Motorcycle Ownership Program (MOP) feature.


“BSI OTO facilitates sharia vehicle financing products for KBLBB which are easy, fast and inexpensive and can be submitted both offline and online via BSI Mobile,” he said.


This synergy between SOEs is a serious form of supporting the government in the energy transition and reducing the burden of subsidies. Transition from dirty energy to clean energy and from expensive imported energy to cheap domestic energy.


Overview of PLN


Gregorius Adi Trianto Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication & Social and Environmental Responsibility of PLN said, PT PLN (Persero) is an electricity BUMN that continues to be committed and innovates carrying out the big mission of illuminating and moving the country.


Having a vision of becoming the leading electricity company in Southeast Asia, PLN is moving to become the number 1 choice of customers for Energy Solutions. PLN carries the Transformation agenda with Green, Lean, Innovative, and Customer Focused aspirations to bring electricity for a Better Life. PLN can be contacted via the PLN Mobile application available on the PlayStore or AppStore. (*)
