Indonesia Launched Indonesia – Japan Economic Dashboard, JAIPONG

Indonesia-Japan business economic cooperation. Photo: Doc. BKPM

Jakarta – The government through the synergy of the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bank Indonesia (BI), and the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) launched an integrated bilateral economic cooperation data platform Dashboard of the Japan Indonesia Partnership Lounge (JAIPONG) which was held virtually.

JAIPONG is an innovation in the trade sector that utilizes digital technology. The launch of JAIPONG was carried out by the Indonesian Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Mahendra Siregar, BI Governor Perry Warjiyo, and the Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia.

“To continue to drive the trade sector, including during this pandemic, the use of technology is needed. We are optimistic that creative steps combined with digital technology can contribute to increasing exports, ” said the Trade Minister, Saturday (24/10/2020).

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The JAIPONG dashboard is expected to become a one stop hub to provide comprehensive information on various opportunities for Indonesia-Japan economic cooperation. Through JAIPONG, the data displayed is presented in current, reliable, accurate, timely (CRAT).

JAIPONG dashboard, which can be accessed through the address, is an effort to bring innovation in economic diplomacy.

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This platform was developed by the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Tokyo in collaboration with the Bank Indonesia Representative Office in Tokyo and is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade, and BKPM.

This collaboration is one of the joint efforts to realize the vision of Indonesia Incorporated through collaboration and synergy between government agencies and related stakeholders.

Anang Fadhilah