Banjarmasin – Inclusion friendly city is not as easy as like turning your palm. It needs a real process and real work
Head of Regional Planning and Development Agency of Riau Province Infected by Corona Virus
Pekanbaru – Head of Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) of Riau Province, Emri Juli Harnis, is positive Covid-19. This number increase
2.8 Million Worker Received Fourth Phase Sallary Subsidy
Jakarta – Sallary subsidy distribution from government is running smoothly. 18th September data shows realization of subsidi distribution for first phase have
Frans – Muchlis Under Discualification Treath On His Regional Election Race
North Halmahera – Frans Manery and Muchlis Tapi Tapi is under discualification threat as prospective candidate for Regent and Vice Regent of
Banjarmasin Has a Floating Restaurant
BANJARMASIN – Pemko Banjarmasin made a breakthrough in development by building a floating restaurant on the Martapura River. Banjarmasin Floating Restaurant built
One More, Covid-19 Patient From Ambon Died
Ambon – Sad news from Ambon, capital city of Maluku province. Monday (21/9) one of Covid-19 patient from Ambon died. Name of
Manado Mayor Inaugurated Covid-19 Taskforce of Bunaken Island Sub-District
Manado – Manado Mayor, Vicky Lumentut, visited Bunaken island as his work duty, Monday (21/9) Accompanied by Head of Manado Police, Elvianus
Gerindra Delivered 1.000 Groceries Package for Impacted People by Covid-19 In East Kolaka
East Kolaka – Gerindra Party delivered 1.000 groceries package for people in East Kolaka of Sout East Sulawesi, Friday (18/9). This activity
South Sulawesi Regional Office of Law and Human Right Inaugurate Product Innovation of Makassar Jail House
Makassar – Head of South Sulawesi Regional Office of Law and Human Right, Harun Sulianto, Inaugurate new 4 innovations from jail house
Majene Will Received Profit Sharinv from Oil and Gas of Sebuku Blok Immediately
Majene – Dreaming and Hoping Majene people to receive profit sharing from oil and gas exploration di Lerek-lerekan island in Makassar strait
Flood in Pohuwato District, One Drift Away and Died
Gorontalo – Flood in some of area in Pohuwato District of Gorontalo province in Saturday (19/9) Flood cause by heavy rain since
Dozen Young People Demonstrate To Seal Official Office of West Sumbawa Regent
West Sumbawa – Dozen young people demonstrate to seal Graham Fitrah, official office of West Sumbawa Regent, Monday (21/9) Main gate sealing