Mardani Haji Maming Obeys the Legal Process, Can’t Be Neglected

JAKARTA – The attorney for former Tanah Bumbu Regent Mardani H Maming, Irfan Idham, denied that his client was absent from the trial at the Banjarmasin Corruption Court, South Kalimantan, last Monday (4/4).


According to him, his client always sends an official notification to the panel of judges when he does not attend the trial for alleged corruption in the transfer of the coal mining business permit (IUP) from PT Bangun Karya Pratama Lestari to PT Prolindo Cipta Nusantara with the accused being the former Head of the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office. Tanah Bumbu Regency, Raden Dwidjono Putrohadi Sutopo.


“That Mr. Mardani was not absent from the trial, because every trial Mr. Mardani gave an official notification that he was unable to attend because there were activities that were at the same time and could not be abandoned,” Irfan told reporters, Sunday (17/4).

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One of them was when Mardani was unable to appear at the trial on April 11, 2022 because he had to attend an audience with the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the State Palace, Jakarta.


The public prosecutor (JPU) also explained the reason for Mardani’s absence when answering questions from the Chairman of the Panel of Judges, Yusriansyah.


Then, at the trial on April 4, 2022, according to Irfan, his client could not be present to testify because he was in the process of recovering after kidney surgery. “It’s not that he doesn’t want to but because he can’t because of his health condition,” he said.

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Mardani said he obeyed the legal process. If he is not unable to attend, it is certain that Mardani will comply with the court summons, although according to Irfan the alleged corruption has no connection with his client.


He reminded that the main case of this case is gratification and money laundering (TPPU) which originates from the report of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).


“So we also don’t agree if for example in this case there are reports circulating that this has something to do with his client (Mardani),” said Irfan.


He emphasized that the IUP transfer had gone through the applicable mechanisms and procedures. The proof is that the clear and clean certificate has been issued. “Continue to be associated with why it got out,” he said.

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According to Irfan, Mardani as regent at that time, would process every application or letter that was in accordance with the provisions. It is impossible for the regent to sign a permit if it is not based on the examination of his subordinates.


“So, the application must be processed by the head of the service who has passed a tiered examination. It is impossible for the permit to reach the ministry, if the CnC certificate is not complete, it means that there is no problem with the procedure,” he said.


Anang Fadhilah