Mardani H Maming Has Fulfilled His Call as a Witness

Banjarmasin – The trial for the corruption case against the former Head of ESDM Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan Province was continued at the Anti-Corruption Court of Banjarmasin City, Monday (18/4/22) at 20.00 WITA.


“In this trial, Mardani H Maming was present to fulfill the summons as a witness. In this trial, Mardani H Maming was present online, along with 3 other witnesses,” said Mardani H Maming’s attorney, Irfan, in a press release to the media, Monday night (18/4/2022).


Irfan said, but after the trial was opened and the panel checked the identities of the witnesses, the panel of judges then asked Mardani H Maming to attend offline.

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“After this was conveyed, then the attorney for Mardani H Maming conveyed through a short message that Mr. Mardani H Maming had been cooperative in fulfilling the court summons as a witness. However, the panel of judges still asked for his presence offline,” he said.


According to Irfan, Mardani H Maming’s online presence is not without reason, because Mardani H Maming is currently in Singapore to attend the invitation to the HIMPI BPP activity.


“That the presence of Mardani H Maming is online. It has also been previously coordinated with the prosecutor’s office. “We have coordinated and have received approval to be present online. So that we have fulfilled our legal obligations. Moreover, this right is also possible in the provisions. And as far as we know, at the trial last Sunday, the panel of judges also allowed Mr. Mardani H Maming to be presented online. So being online was the option we chose, considering Mr. Mardani H Maming’s busy schedule,” said Irfan

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Irfan said, we also need to convey that Mr. Mardani H Maming has also signed the minutes under oath. Where Mr. Mardani H Maming had previously been examined and his testimony was taken as a witness. In the process of investigating this case, at the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia. So based on Article 119 Jo. Article 179 of the Criminal Code. Mr. Mardani H Maming has stated the true information.

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“We also need to convey to the public. That Mr. Mardani H Maming did not know at all, let alone accepted the flow of Dwidjono’s alleged gratification,” he said.


Anang Fadhilah