Regional Election 2020, Regional Head Candidates Use Masks to Win Sympathy

BANJARMASIN – Simultaneous Pilkada 2020 is a golden moment to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its socio-economic impact. The pair of candidates for regional heads began to make use of masks, hand sanitizers as a campaign tool, by posting campaign messages, pair serial numbers, and photos of pairs of candidates on masks.

Inevitably, the covid-19 pandemic was used by pilkada participants to gain sympathy, one of which was done by Sahbirin Noor, the candidate for Governor of South Kalimantan, who was an incumbent to share free masks to the public.

The information is that other candidates for regional heads also do the same by distributing masks and hand sanitizers by including photos of the candidates. On the other hand, the distribution of pilkada masks is an effort to help the community’s economy amid the Covid-19 pandemic. What the government continues to do in various ways. One of them is PKK South Kalimantan, which created a Million Masks Program to empower Sasirangan batik tailors in South Kalimantan.

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The head of the Kriya Katupat Handycraft and Sasirangan Sungai Baru tailor-sewing association in Banjarmasin City, Elisa, admitted that she was happy to get an order for a million masks with a sasirangan cloth motif – a typical Banjarmasin batik from PKK South Kalimantan. He said this order was a blessing that was infinite.

“It’s a blessing for us Sasirangan craftsmen and tailors, where we have a lot of trouble selling our Sasirangan fabrics, even if there are no orders coming in. As soon as we got an order from the PKK of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government, it seemed like we had a tremendous blessing. I was so diligent that the production was excessive, and Alhamdulillah the excess production was also bought up by the Governor of South Kalimantan, “Elisa explained, Saturday (5/9) morning.

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As is known, the production house for Handycraft Katupat Crafts and Sasirangan Sungai Baru, an excess of 17 thousand masks, the excess of these masks was immediately purchased by Uncle Birin.

While the Governor of South Kalimantan hopes that the PKK’s efforts to order a million masks from tailors can help tailors a little in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic, the economy of our people is arguably sluggish, including craftsmen or Sasirangan tailors. “The million mask program helps the people’s economy,” said South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor after visiting a Sasirangan tailor on Jalan Sungai Baru, Kampung Katupat, Banjarmasin.

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Sahbirin said, he admitted that he was happy to be able to stay in touch with creative economy actors, especially Sasirangan tailors and craftsmen.

“We would like to thank all UMKM players in South Kalimantan who also contributed to the progress of South Kalimantan. Everyone must move and work together in facing this pandemic, ”he said.

The Governor of South Kalimantan hopes that business actors will continue to move. “To move means fighting for the people’s enthusiasm, the important thing is that we all want to move to keep the economy going,” he said. Anang