President of Indonesian Cyber Media Union: Don’t Allow Israel Military Barbaric Actions

JAKARTA – The bombing carried out by the Israel Armed Forces in the attack from Saturday to Sunday morning (16/5/2021) on the Al Jazeera and Associated Press (AP) office building in Gaza, Palestine has received criticism from various parties. The Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Association (SMSI), an organization of cyber media companies headquartered in Jakarta, and has 1,225 members of the media, considered the Israeli military action as barbaric, as when humans do not know the laws and regulations.

“It is not appropriate for the Israeli army to commit barbaric acts in these modern times. Do not allow the Israeli army’s barbaric actions,” said the chairperson of SMSI, Firdaus, accompanied by M. Nasir, Secretary General of SMSI in a press statement on Sunday, May 16, 2021 in Jakarta.

As the leader of the largest online media organization in Indonesia, he also criticized the Israeli military’s actions to destroy buildings, including the Al Jazeera and Associated Press media offices. Firdaus regretted the brutal action of the Israeli armed forces. Al Jazeera and AP but the building houses various news agencies in it rent the building. Seeing this endless conflict, Firdaus, who is also the owner of Teras Magazine and Group, is also worried about the increasing number of casualties because of the fighting between Palestine and Israel.

Meanwhile, from the latest data got by Reuters news agency, there were 149 human fatalities in Palestine, 41 of which were children, most whom were in the Gaza area. While Israel itself has just reported that 10 of their citizens have died, including two children. Today, the UN Security Council (UNSC) is scheduled to hold a meeting to discuss the situation of Israel and Palestine. The meeting will be the third UNSC meeting on the issues of the two countries.the UN Security Council had tried to issue a resolution or joint statement regarding the Israeli-Palestinian battle last Thursday. However, this effort was met with opposition from the US, which considered the draft of the UN Security Council “counter-productive”.

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In addition, America also wants to seek direct diplomacy to Palestine and Israel first. And, it was agreed upon a meeting to be held this Sunday. So far, the diplomatic steps taken by America since Friday have not produced results. Tensions between Palestine and Israel, the worst since 2014, are still rising with indications of a ceasefire not yet in sight. This is what we will later discuss at the UN Security Council.

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The challenge ahead of whatever the outcome of the UNSC meeting on de-escalation is the Palestinian militia, Hamas. They played a major role in the battles with Israel. Most countries, especially Western countries, have no contact with these organizations, which they label as terrorist groups. The President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, has no major influence on Hamas.

writer: anangfadhilah