Regional Hospital of Pekanbaru Could Not Accommodate Covid-19 Patients

Pekanbaru – Ward of Regional Hospital of Pekanbaru, RSUD Ariffin Ahmad, could not accomodate explossion of Covid-19 patients and three patients have to queue. On the other side, there were not available ventilator and three Covid-19 patients could not handled. Mentioned by group, Saturday (12/9)

“To be honest, we confuse to place our patient. 73 wards for Covid-19 all filled” dr. Indra Yovi, Chief of Riau Task force for Covid-19, said

According to dr. Indra Yovi, three patients of Covid-19 are in danger because could be help by ventilator immediately. “They could die” Yovi worried

Deficiency of medical devices in RSUD Ariffin Ahmad in Pekanbaru can be seen since number of Covid-19 increased every day. Increasing of Covid-19 always above hundreds and could reach 200 every day

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Yovi told that positive Covid-19 patients which could be treated always yell for helping treatment. On the contrary, they could not treat immediately because there were not ward and medical devices

“We want ask self isolation but most of their home are not feasible” Yovi explained sadly

On the other side, deficiency of medical devices is not correlate with absorption of Riau budget that not reach to 50%, or 49.03%, from total budget, Rp 477 billion. There were exagerrated wory from Riau government to use those regional budget

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“We have use Covid-19 budget carefully. That is why budget absorption is low. We do not want trouble in the next” Chief of Asset and Regional Financial Agency of Riau (Badan Pengelola Keuangan Asset dan Daerah/BPKD) Riau said, Friday (11/90)