Santri Mendunia Successfully Holds International Consortium on the First Day

Egypt– On Sunday, 18th of October 2020 the Santri Mendunia has completed the first day of the International Consortium with the theme “Innovation of Industrial and Creative Santri in the 4.0 Era for Advanced Indonesia.

In Egypt virtually.” The opening ceremony was attended by Chief Comittee Santri Mendunia Annida dianti, General Chief of the Santri Mendunia Moh Abdul Aziz Nawawi, State Minister for Cooperative Small and Medium Enterprises Republic of Indonesia Drs. Teten Masduki and KH Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur was also attended.

Which is where the Chief of the committee gave a speech that through international students it is hoped that students in Indonesia and students abroad can unite. After that remarks from the General Chief of the Santri Mendunia, he said that worldwide santri were born from the enthusiasm of santri friends around the world.

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Then followed by the presentation of topic by Drs. Teten Masduki, where he said that previously Indonesia in the sportshoes manufacturing industry controlled 20% of the world’s food market but currently we only control 2% of the world market share.

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One of the factors of this decline occurred because it lost to the market share of China and Vietnam. One solution that we can do is to support domestic entrepreneurs using local raw materials.

After that was followed by the second speaker K.H Yusuf Mansyur, he advised how to achieve dreams, he also said that we must always dream the highest because nothing is impossible if Allah SWT has wanted.

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On this occasion he also invited his beloved wife and children, they talked about how difficult it is to reach their goals. But if we really reach it we can all make it happen.

Anang Fadhilah