SMSI Inspirational Figures: Adam Malik, PK Ojong-Jakob Oetama, Hamka, Fachrodin

Jakarta – The administrators of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) agree that there are at least five national figures who should be role models for the press world in Indonesia and have inspired the birth of the SMSI, Adam Malik, PK Ojong-Jakob Oetama, Buya Hamka, and Fachrodin.

“We agree that Adam Malik, PK Ojong-Jakob Oetama, Buya Hamka, and Fachrodin are five of the many national figures who inspire and deserve to be emulated by journalists and press entrepreneurs, including those in the SMSI environment,” said Senior Journalist. Aat Surya Safaat in Jakarta, Sunday.

The Director of Publishing (Editor-in-Chief) of the 2016 ANTARA News Agency, who was also the Head of the ANTARA Bureau in New York from 1993 to 1998, stated this statement at the commemoration of SMSI’s 4th Birthday (HUT) in Jakarta, March 7, 2021.

According to the Head of Foreign Affairs of the SMSI, the SMSI management agreed to place the five national figures as inspirational figures for journalists and press entrepreneurs in the country, in the SMSI environment, each with the following actions compiled from various sources.

Adam Malik When the spirit of national independence struggled and was driven by young fighters, Adam Malik and his comrades in arms, Soemanang, AM Sipahoetar, and Pandoe Kartawigoena founded the ANTARA News Agency on December 13, 1937.

The success of ANTARA in broadcasting the news of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia from the ANTARA Building on Jalan Antara, Pasar Baru Central Jakarta on August 17, 1945 to the rest of the world is a form of its great love and devotion for the struggle of the Indonesian nation.

Adam Malik himself is a complete personification of the closeness between the press and diplomacy. Don’t be surprised, this self-taught man who only graduated from elementary school (HIS) was once the Chair of the 26th UN General Assembly Session in New York.

His skill in combining the press and diplomacy led him to gain various experiences as an Ambassador, Minister, chairperson of the DPR to become the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

This clever, small man who was nicknamed “the kancil” was born in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra on July 22, 1917 from the couple Haji Abdul Malik Batubara and Salamah Lubis.

As a journalist, diplomat, even bureaucrat, he often said that “we can arrange everything”. As a journalist and diplomat, we know him to always have 1001 answers to all kinds of questions and problems faced by him.

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PK Ojong-Jakob Oetama

Talking about these two press figures, Petrus Kanisius (PK) Ojong (1920-1980) and Jakob Oetama (1931-2020), it is difficult to tell them, because during the leadership of Kompas Daily the two of them were always together.

Ojong was born in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra on July 25, 1920. His father was named Auw Jong Pauw, a tobacco trader in Payakumbuh and his mother named Njo Loan Eng Nio. His parents gave him the name Auw Ojong Peng Koen, which later became PK Ojong.

Meanwhile, Jakob was born in Jowahan Village, about 500 meters east of the grandest Borobudur temple in Magelang, Central Java on September 27, 1931.

They met in Jakarta and later founded the Intisari Magazine and Kompas Daily. They agreed to share their duties in leading the Kompas Daily. Ojong handled administration and business, while Jakob handled the editorial sector.

Even though Ojong handled the press business, he couldn’t abandon his journalist instincts. He writes the Editorial Plan and manages the famous Kompasiana rubric and discusses various issues in the Kompas daily.

In the world of press companies, the business and editorial fields are important, although there is a kind of demarcation line between the two fields. The two fields. In the hands of the two figures developed rapidly.

Ojong-Jakob is like two sides of a coin. The two of them walked in one swing, and both had teachers and journalists in their background. Both of them dislike appearing, are humble, honest, and always work thoroughly. The similarities or similarities between the two of them bind themselves to establish Intisari Magazine and Kompas Daily.

On the way to managing Intisari and Kompas media, both of them shared their duties, and they didn’t like to appear. “But because I am in charge of editorial affairs, like it or not, I have to appear,” said Jakob once.

In Intisari magazine and Kompas Daily, the two figures laid the foundation of idealism, uphold human values, ​​and put down a philosophy in the development of a press company.

Especially in recruiting journalists and employees, Ojong prioritizes “good character” rather than skills or skills possessed. As for the lack of skills, it could improve him through training, education and courses.

In guaranteeing future works ,Wan, the head of Kompas then expanded his business to the Gramedia publisher and bookstore and the hospitality world named Santika. The goal is that if it muzzle Kompas, employees will still have a place to work.

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There is an important message from Ojong and Jacob for company managers. According to them, an excellent company is a company that can guarantee the welfare of its employees.

This means that if the leader of the company is no longer there, the company must continue to run, so it is necessary to develop a system to enable this to be realized and to enable the creation of cadres who are competent, professional and with integrity.


Who doesn’t know Prof. Dr. H Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah (Buya Hamka). He is a charismatic scholar who during his youth spent a lot of time studying religion and reading a lot.The national figure who was born in Nagari Sungai Batang, Tanjung Raya, Agam Regency, West Sumatra on February 17, 1908 and died in Jakarta on July 24, 1981 at 73, is a scholar and writer, even a journalist.

Hamka received honorary doctorates from Al-Azhar University in Egypt and the National University of Malaysia, while Prof. Dr. Moestopo University Jakarta confirmed him as a Professor. The deceased is also on the list of National Heroes.

This national figure engaged in politics through Masyumi until the party was dissolved and served as the first chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and was active in the Muhammadiyah organization until the end of his life.

it has published Dozens of his books. In addition, Buya Hamka founded the magazine Panji Masyarakat (Panjimas) on June 15, 1959 with KH Faqih Usman, Jusuf Abdullah Puar, and HM Joesoef Ahmad.The journey of Buya Hamka and friends in Panjimas magazine can be an inspiration to see the relationship between Muslims, struggles during the Old Order era, and many things that happened during the (early) New Order era.

This magazine, led by Buya Hamka, has also accompanied the important historical journey of this nation. When it was only published for a year, in May 1960, the government banned the magazine. Two years after Panjimas was closed, Hamka again published a new magazine, Gema Islam.

Although Hamka’s position only helped the deceased played an important role in it, because through the magazine’s intermediary, the Al-Azhar Grand Mosque in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, which is the editorial office of Gema Islam, later became a stage of activity that was synonymous with Hamka’s name.

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After Sukarno’s power receded and it dissolved the PKI, on October 5, 1966, it published again Panjimas Magazine. As the “mouthpiece” of the people, Panjimas is one of the long-lived magazines for the people.

When the media of the other ummah broke growing in a fast cycle, Panjimas was a mouthpiece for Muslims that lasted a long time, not only through the Old Order phase but also through the New Order.

Even though the publication of Panjimas has appeared unsettled, Hamka’s next generation continues to strive to revive the spirit of the magazine as a mouthpiece for Muslims in Indonesia.

The media that was founded by Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah alias Buya Hamka in March 2019 was present in online form on the site. The spirit he carries is voicing Islamic principles that give peace to the Indonesian nation.

Press figure of Fachrodin

Haji Fachrodin is a pioneer of the Muhammadiyah press. This early generation of Muhammadiyah cadres and figures learned a lot from Muhammadiyah founder KH Ahmad Dahlan and self-taught. Although he did not receive a general education, he grew up to be a sharp and respected writer.

Fachrodin became the first person to lead the editor-in-chief of Soewara Moehammadijah magazine. He pioneered the publication of the media in 1915 and became the first editor-in-chief, while KH Ahmad Dahlan sat in the editorial ranks with HM Hisyam, RH Djalil, M Siradj, Soemodirdjo, Djojosugito, and KRH Hadjid.

He started his career in the world of movement when he studied journalism from Mas Marco Kartodikromo. When Mas Marco and several Indonesian journalists published the newspaper “Doenia Bergerak” in 1914, Fachrodin was trusted to be a permanent writer who provided information to the public in the Yogyakarta area.

Fachrodin with his clever and sharp minds always tried to fight for the fate of the people, including arousing the resistance of the workers in Yogyakarta against the Dutch government.

In 1919, this journalist who was also skilled at preaching published the weekly newspaper Srie Diponegoro. His writing for the week is decorated with illustrated pictures that show one of Fachrodin’s creativity in the journalistic field.

Haji Fachrodin died in 1929. After Indonesia’s independence, the government gave the late National Hero through a Presidential Decree.

writer: Anang