This is the Hope of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association in a Meeting with Commission XI of the DPR

Jakarta- Indonesia as a developing country should increase the number of entrepreneurs. Because to become a developed country at least Indonesia must have many entrepreneurs. If a country wants to progress apart from industrialization, it must be supported by many entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs must have support.

This is because entrepreneurs play a role in providing jobs to the community. In fact, developed countries must be supported by strong entrepreneurs. “There is no developed country without strong entrepreneurs. It is entrepreneurs who give people jobs. If entrepreneurs are strong, the country will definitely be strong. Almost all nation states believe in this sentence. ,” said Head of the Central Governing Body of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) H Mardani Haji Maming, after conveying the main thoughts with the HIPMI BPP ranks in a hearing meeting (RDP) with Commission XI of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Jakarta, Wednesday (25/8). 

Mardani said, HIPMI participated in discussing the Draft Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures (RUU KUP). “Unfortunately, Indonesia is still moving in that direction. The ratio of our new entrepreneurs is around 3.47%. Still less than Malaysia by 4.74% and also losing to Thailand which is in the range of 4.26%. In fact, Singapore has encouraged 8.76% of its population to become entrepreneurs,” he said.

The former regent of Tanbu for two terms hoped that the policy of the KUP Bill would not conflict with the spirit of growing young entrepreneurs in Indonesia. We all know, the Covid pandemic is a blow for entrepreneurs. As many as 80 percent of young entrepreneurs feel the negative impact.

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“As many as 58 percent reported a decline in income of up to 81 percent. In fact, 91 percent of young entrepreneurs are not aware of any assistance from the government, including the socialization of tax reductions and other incentives,” he said.

HIPMI said Mardani, giving some input. Among them, AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) can have a negative effect on young entrepreneurs who need long-term investment. Regarding the carbon tax, HIPMI argues, this tax will encourage innovations and changes in good company management to reduce tax payments from the use of fossil fuels. The government must be able to ensure that clean energy infrastructure is available so as not to burden young entrepreneurs’ spending.

“HIPMI also highlights the issue of tax criminal law enforcement, which must prioritize the ultimum remedium principle. Criminal law should be used as a last resort in terms of law enforcement. Young entrepreneurs need experience to fulfill their tax obligations, for that they need constructive assistance,” he explained.

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As a young entrepreneur, continued this successful entrepreneur, he is ready to contribute to the progress of the nation, including through tax payments. This is in accordance with HIPMI’s motto: “Entrepreneur warrior, warrior entrepreneur.” “However, the government must comply with its commitment to encourage young entrepreneurs to create jobs, and work together to disseminate related policies. We both hope that the tax can encourage entrepreneurs to go up a class, and not even drop a class,” he said.

Anang Fadhilah