Bamsoet Inaugurates Chairman of Indonesia’s Big Motorcycle for the 2021-2024 Period

JAKARTA – The Chairman of the MPR RI and General Chair of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) Bambang Soesatyo appreciates the leadership of Satrio Nur Rachmanto (Rio Castello), who is trusted to be the General Chair of the Indonesian Big Motors (MBI) for the period 2021-2024.

Rio’s re-election is a form of recognition and at the same time an affirmation of his expertise in leading the MBI organization. “Especially in actualizing the MBI organization as a large motorcycle community that is inclusive and embracing all circles, with the spirit of brotherhood without boundaries. This spirit of inclusiveness requires MBI to be a ‘big house’ and a ‘common house’ that can reach various automotive enthusiasts from various walks of life, “said Bamsoet after inaugurating MBI Chairman Rio Castello virtually in Jakarta, Sunday (16/1/22).

The chairman of the 20th DPR RI explained that with sufficient experience, competence to build qualified leadership, and reliable network capabilities, MBI under Rio’s leadership will continue to progress and develop.

Especially in building a positive image of the big motorcycle community, in the midst of negative assumptions and apathy from some members of the community towards automotive clubs, especially motorcycle clubs with large engine capacities.

“We recognize that various records of achievements and positive images have been successfully inscribed by the MBI Management for the 2018-2021 period, both in building a spirit of solidarity through various humanitarian social actions, disseminating the spirit of togetherness and inclusiveness in building the automotive community, as well as establishing a synergy of partnerships and active participation in support various government programs, especially as ‘Tourism Ambassador’ by encouraging tourism programs as a driving force for the people’s economic recovery, “explained Bamsoet.

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Head of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Defense, Law Enforcement, Security and Defense Relations Agency behind the various achievements made, MBI must not be complacent. All the good work that has been done by MBI in the previous period must be maintained, and even further improved.

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With a high work ethic, and with all the potential resources they have, MBI management for the 2021-2024 period will be able to fulfill these expectations. “Currently, along with improving conditions in the health sector and the socio-economic life of the community, after almost 2 years we have struggled with the Covid-19 pandemic, elements of the nation, including MBI, must be able to seize opportunities and optimize the momentum of this revival as well as possible,” concluded Bamsoet.

Anang Fadhilah