Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nasir: Candidates for President and Vice President Must Be Statesmen and Have Vision

JAKARTA—  Ahead of the 2024 national political event, the national atmosphere feels dynamic. Muhammadiyah as a community organization is concerned with national issues. The future president and vice president must have a big and fundamental vision for the country. National morality takes precedence.

That is the view of the Chairman of the Central Executive of Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. H. Haedar Nasir, M.Sc. which was revealed during a friendly meeting with mass media leaders in the 6th Floor Hall of the At-Tanwir Mosque Building, Muhammadiyah Central Executive Office, Jl Menteng 62, Central Jakarta, Thursday (22/6) afternoon.

Haedar emphasized that there is contestation of political interests but the unity and integrity of the nation must be maintained and the future is more visionary. The ideas and morality of the elite ahead of the 2024 election are minimal compared to bringing ideas on how to realize the nation’s ideals.

The elites are instead fixated on individual or group visions that are not correlated with the interests of the common people.

For this reason, Muhammadiyah will oversee that politics from various interests of practical political relations remains grounded in the life of the nation which is fundamental with values. National vision to become a frame in political contestation.

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The friendly forum between Muhammadiyah and mass media leaders is related to Muhammadiyah’s concern for the sustainability of democracy which tends to be pragmatic and away from the foundations of sound state administration in accordance with the UUD 1945 and the national aspirations of the founders of the nation.

Expectations from this gathering forum will spark a more visionary national projection in the future and be free from short-term practical agendas. “Forums like this are part of Muhammadiyah’s cultural tradition,” said Haedar.

According to Haedar, Muhammadiyah and the mass media have the same concerns, commitments and views on national issues that must be faced together by the forces of civil society.

“Facing the 2024 elections, it is not enough just to allow the political process to take place pragmatically, but how elections also bring values, substantive democratic politics while prioritizing the interests of the nation and state. All of this requires escort, guidance and criticism from community forces, Muhammadiyah, national mass organizations and even the media,” said Haedar.

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“Criticism was also followed by offers of strategic and practical steps,” he added.

This gathering with the leadership of the mass media was held for the first time after the 48th Muktamar Muhammadiyah was held on 18-20 November 2022 in Surakarta.

Through this congress, Muhammadiyah examines the dynamics, developments and problems in the realm of public life, nationality and universal humanity.

The 48th Muktamar conveyed views regarding the actual issues of concern, namely ummah, nationality and universal humanity while at the same time offering solutions which are summarized in a book entitled Muhammadiyah and Universal Humanitarian, National and Human Strategic Issues.

On the issue of ummah, Muhammadiyah offers solutions including building digital piety, strengthening ummah and religious unity that enlightens.

On the issue of nationality, the solutions offered include strengthening family resilience, reforming the electoral system, succession to the 2024 leadership, strengthening legal justice, structuring public spaces that are inclusive and fair, anticipating an aging population and strengthening national integration.

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Meanwhile, the solutions offered in universal humanitarian issues include building a world order of peace and justice, regulation of the impact of climate change and overcoming inequalities between countries and strengthening xenophobia.

The media gathering forum was attended by 36 representatives of national media leaders. From Muhammadiyah apart from General Chair Haedar Nasir, General Secretary Abdul Mu’ti, Secretary M. Izzul Muslimin and Head of Communication and Public Services Bureau of PP Muhammadiyah, Edy Kuscahyanto, were also present.

In this media gathering, representatives of the media leaders who attended hoped that Muhammadiyah would louder in voicing social inequality and legislation that is detrimental to national interests.

Before closing the gathering, Abdul Mu’ti added that the forum also gathered input from the media. A follow-up media gathering forum entitled “National Convention” will be held in August with the agenda of bringing together experts from various universities in Indonesia to dialogue on national strategic issues as well as formulate solutions.

(Retno Intani ZA, Head of Education for the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union).