Bank Indonesia Helds Training for Economic Journalists in South Kalimantan

Banjarmasin – The Bank Indonesia Office of South Kalimantan held journalism training for 36 business economy journalists in Banjarmasin City on Thursday (19/11/2020). Journalist training keep up to health protocols.

The training on economic issues based on digital media presented a speaker from the Chairman of the Press Council, Mohammad Nuh; Development Implementation Function Analyst of UMKM, KI, and Sharia, Aryo Wibowo; Assistant Analyst for Regional and Provincial KEKDA Formulation Groups, Annisa Elma Nabila; and Cashiers for the Rupiah Money Management Unit, Fahrudin and Rizki Rahmatullah.

Mohammad Nuh said journalists should be aware that change is a necessity. This is because change brings novelty. According to Nuh, journalists must have a true learning spirit in order to provide novelty and curiosity. “News must contain an element of novelty,” said M Nuh in his presentation, as quoted from group, Thursday (19/11/2020).

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Noah sees that the quality of press freedom is determined by the media ecosystem, which includes four indicators: competence, integrity, protection and welfare. “The press must still play a role as social control based on information credibility,” Nuh continued.

Economic journalists, said Nuh, are categorized as specialist journalists because they must understand basic principles and be able to read data to support news. Economic journalists must know the concept of economic growth, ratio, inflation, deflation, per capita income, non-performing loans, and others.

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The speaker Aryo Wibowo explained the potential of fisheries, UMKMs, and tourism in South Kalimantan. According to Aryo, BI has four criteria or level of UMKM: UMKM level 1 (potential), UMKM level 2 (successful), UMKM level 3 (digital success), and UMKM level 4 (export potential).

In South Kalimantan, BI has assisted 36 UMKM in 2019 and 70 UMKM in 2020. From the 36 UMKM assisted in 2019, Aryo detailed 20 UMKM level 1, 13 UMKM level 2, and 3 UMKM level 3.

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As for the 79 UMKM in 2020, BI South Kalimantan assisted 6 UMKM level 1, 35 UMKM level 2, 26 UMKM level 3, and 3 UMKM level 4. He said there were several obstacles in developing the shrimp farming sector in Kotabaru. So it is difficult for farmers to meet the demand for shrimp exports from South Kalimantan.

Anang Fadhilah