Chairman of the South Kalimantan DPRD Agrees the Alalak Bridge to be the Aberani Sulaiman Bridge

Banjarmasin – South Kalimantan DPRD responded to a suggestion from the community that the Alalak Bridge be named the Haji Aberani Sulaiman Bridge. Banua figure — a guerrilla fighter during the physical revolution in South Kalimantan from 1945-1949 and also known as the Governor of South Kalimantan for the period 1963-1968.

“The South Kalimantan DPRD responded to the suggestion that the name of the Aberani Sulaiman Bridge be changed to the Aberani Sulaiman Bridge, one of the warrior figures. Personally, I support the Alalak Bridge being renamed the Aberani Sulaiman Bridge,” said Chairman of the South Kalimantan DPRD H Supian HK, when confirmed Sunday (3/10/2021) ).

Supian said, Monday (4/10/2021) his party scheduled a meeting to discuss the community’s proposal so that the name of the 850-meter-long Sei Alalak arch bridge that uses the only cable-stayed bridge in Indonesia has been opened to the public, which is planned to be inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Solomon’s Aberani Bridge. “We will discuss the proposed bridge name together on Monday,” he said.

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Previously, one of the community leaders in Banjarmasin, Drs H Addy Chairudin Hanafiah, suggested that the IDR 278 billion bridge, which has become an icon of South Kalimantan, was proposed under the name Haji Abrani Sulaiman Bridge.

Banua figure — a guerrilla fighter during the physical revolution in South Kalimantan, 1945-1949 and also known as the Governor of South Kalimantan for the period 1963-1968. “The Alalak Bridge named the H Aberani Sulaiman Bridge is very appropriate and quite reasonable. Because the figure of Haji Abrani Sulaiman is a figure of the struggle of the people of Kalimantan, together with the fighter H Hasan Basri and other fighters fighting for Borneo when it was still the name of the capital,” he said, Thursday (30/9/2021).

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The former member of the South Kalimantan DPRD in the era of Governor Sjachril Darham said that the name Alalak Bridge became the Haji Abrani Sulaiman Bridge to give appreciation for the services and struggles of this Banua figure. Who fought with the spirit of fighting for independence, all over Kalimantan during the independence era.

“The name of the Alalak Bridge is the Haji Aberani Sulaiman Bridge to remind the public of the role and services of the banua fighters,” he said.

The former chairman of Hiswana Migas Kalimantan, said that the Alalak Bridge is very strategic because it connects Banjarmasin City and Marabahan Regency.

“Considering that the bridge is phenomenal, both in terms of its function as a trans Kalimantan bridge. It is also a bridge that connects South Kalimantan Province and Central Kalimantan Province, as well as West Kalimantan. So it is very feasible for the Alalak Bridge to be the Haji Abrani Sulaiman Bridge, “he said.

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The construction of the Sei Alalak Bridge is also designed to be traversed by vehicles with a maximum tonnage of 10 tons, which is stronger than the old Kayu Tangi 1 bridge structure which comes from a class B steel frame with the ability to withstand a load of less than 8 tons.

In addition, the strength of this bridge is built with earthquake-resistant construction with a service life of up to 100 years. The scope of work for the construction of the bridge includes the main span with a cable-stayed structure of 130 meters, an approach bridge, namely a 125-meter pileslab structure, and an oprit bridge with a length of 425 meters.

Anang Fadhilah