Challenges of Medical Personnel in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

by: Dr Pribakti B, SpOG (K) *)

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on changing the life of this nation. Covid-19 does not recognize rank, caste, ethnicity, religion, race, occupation. The Covid-19 virus “cuts down” everything indiscriminately. Health workers are no exception, even those who study medical science are not necessarily immune and safe from the threat of Covid-19.

According to the Covid-19 task force team, from the latest data in Indonesia, there were 55 medical personnel who died due to the ‘ferocity’ of Covid-19. And of the 100 deaths in Indonesia due to Covid-19 there are 6-7 medical personnel. Meanwhile, at Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital, it was reported that 46 health workers were hospitalized until mid-June 2020.

Indeed, the risk of contracting was suspected because after all medical personnel would inevitably be exposed to Covid-19 patients who did not show symptoms. Like the ping pong infection phenomenon, once or twice exposed can still be resisted by the body’s immunity but after several times exposure and when the immunity of medical personnel drops, it will be infected with Covid-19, especially if it is not supported by Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Indeed, as medical personnel who treat patients with suspected or positive corona cases are at the forefront of fighting against this deadly virus, it is no exaggeration to call them heroes of humanity.

In the midst of this corona pandemic, they must treat patients to recover by wearing PPE in layers. Even eating, drinking and defecating is very difficult. They also have to be away from their family so they don’t become carriers or carriers of viruses that can threaten the safety of their family members. These are the challenges and risks of health workers in the field. Both doctors, nurses, midwives are human beings, just like others have a fear of contracting Covid-19.

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There are many sad stories of medical personnel struggling with Covid-19 at the heart of the defense in hospitals and health centers. The story of a female doctor at a health center in Depok, was infected with Covid-19 and had to be separated from her 1.5 year old child. A male doctor died due to Covid-19 even though he is soon heading to the aisle.

In Surabaya, the sad story of a nurse who died due to Covid-19 in the middle of a 4 month pregnancy and a resident who is currently pursuing internal medicine are victims. Likewise in Sampang, a family of fathers whose profession was a nurse, midwife and child doctor collapsed due to the ferocity of Covid-19. Finally, it was reported that 22 FK Unair resident doctors at RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya had contracted covid 19.

Unfortunately, in the midst of ups and downs of health workers struggling to save the lives of others and not guarantee their own safety, the public’s imagination is out there being damaged by untrue reporting. Doctors are accused of getting bonuses of tens to hundreds of millions for making claims for the death of a patient with a diagnosis of Covid-19. As if medical personnel got blessings from this covid pandemic. Another oblique issue is that medical personnel benefit more from other professions or occupations because it is said that the amount of government incentives is for medical personnel who handle Covid-19.

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As stated by the government, the incentives for health workers are as follows: 15 million specialist doctors, 10 million general practitioners and dentists, 7.5 million midwives / nurses and 5 million other health workers. In addition, there will be a death benefit of Rp. 300 million for medical personnel who died from contracting the corona.

However, the fact is that until now the government has not replaced the financing of COVID-19 patients who are treated in hospitals or in first-level health facilities (FKTP). Whereas if it refers to Law (UU) Number 4 of 1984 concerning Contagious Disease Outbreaks, Law no. 36/2009 on Health and Law no. 6/2018 concerning Health Quarantine, financing for diseases that have been designated as extraordinary events (KLB) or epidemics is fully borne by the Government.

Sadly, not many people know about the service burden of medical personnel in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. How hot is felt when using PPE for hours with a tight N95 mask plus when carrying out surgery for Covid-19 patients, which on average takes time from preparation for surgery to completion of the operation lasting about 3-4 hours. Not to mention feeling the psychological pressure when patients arrive in large numbers and a diagnosis of PDP Covid-19 which exceeds the capacity of the emergency room and inpatient rooms.

On the other hand, although they are said to be tired, not a single medical staff has demanded the government’s promise regarding this incentive to be realized immediately. This is because medical personnel also understand how the burden on the state is very heavy and there are still many people affected by Covid-19. This is what is called an attitude of altruism, a real willingness not only to get rewarded. What is expected by medical personnel in the field of service is an understanding from the government and society.

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The government must be sensitive, reduce to absorb the aspirations of medical personnel to the lowest level. Once upon a time, we hope that government people or policy makers will visit the emergency room of the Covid-19 referral hospital to just observe closely.

How hard is it for medical personnel to provide services in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially several hospitals that have broken down their defenses, overloaded because of the large number of Covid-19 cases. Policy makers should also not do political acrobatics in the midst of a pandemic, which will worsen and prolong the pandemic.

Honestly, these accusations really hurt the hearts of the medical personnel. The definition that medical personnel expect to the public is to be obedient to the health protocol made by the government as a form of state defense. In fact, the war against Covid will end if the public is fully aware of its role as the frontline for preventing Covid-19. And only the collective struggle of the community will truly ease the duties of medical personnel at the forefront of handling Covid-19. Hopefully.

*) Doctor of Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital, South Kalimantan