Consistently in Supporting Regional Tourism, Angkasa Pura I Wins the Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020

Banjarmasin – PT Angkasa Pura I won the “Best PKBL for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020” in category “Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Local Tourism Development Initiative” at the Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020 “Prosperity, Humanity, and Sustainability” which held by Warta Ekonomi Magazine.

The award was given by the CEO & Chief Editor of Warta Ekonomi Magazine, Muhamad Ihsan, to the Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), Nursapto Winoto, virtually and witnessed by Founder and Prescom of Warta Ekonomi Magazine, Fadel Muhammad, on Wednesday, September 23, 2020. Indonesia The CSRxPKBL Award 2020 with the theme “Prosperity, Humanity, and Sustainability” is an award from Warta Ekonomi Magazine for companies which have successfully implemented excellent corporate social responsibility programs.

“This award is an appreciation of Angkasa Pura I’s commitment in contributing to the improvement of the welfare in the community around the managed airports, especially those related to tourism development. This award is also one of the measuring tools for the company’s success in contributing to regional tourism development,” said the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Nugroho, Thursday (24/9/2020).

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Angkasa Pura I won an award in the category “Transportation and Warehouse with Outstanding Program in Local Tourism Development Initiative”, which means that Angkasa Pura I’s social responsibility program in the tourism sector is considered to have contributed significantly to regional tourism development. Along with the Government’s focus on developing the tourism industry, Angkasa Pura I as an airport manager is also interested in contributing to developing tourism destinations as an effort to attract people to these destinations which in turn can increase passenger traffic through various Angkasa Pura I airports.

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As for the social responsibility program of Angkasa Pura I related to tourism in 2019 and the previous year, that is, the construction of public toilets with high standards in 6 tourist destinations, namely Lasiana Kupang Beach, North Minahasa Pulisan Beach, Yogyakarta Pengger Pine Forest, Taru Jurug Animal Park Surakarta, Pura Besakih Bali, and Bantimurung Maros Park. Tourism development on Saifuar Beach Adoki Biak. Improvement of Menipo Island ecotourism facilities and construction of a chocolate production room in the tourist at Bigaran village.

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Assessment of BUMN corporate social responsibility (CSR) at this award event was carried out using quantitative descriptive desk research method by analyzing the performance of the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) through various published reports.

The PKBL performance is measured by indicators of the effectiveness of distribution and the level of collectibility of loan repayments for the performance of the Partnership Program, while the indicators for the Community Development Program are accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, and rule of law. The overall indicators are then accumulated into the BUMN PKBL’s index.

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